My surname is a verb, so annoying!

This made me giggle. :lol: OHs surname is an adjective. I've gave our daughter double barrel with mine first. My surname is so much cooler!
I knew someone with the surname Tress which goes with lots but I had to point out their mistake with their plans to call their son Matthew.....
LOL This thread is funny! :lol: Yeah you definitely need a baby name book. I've got a boring common last name that any name will work with. It's so common that my sister's husband has the same last name as my husband even though they are NOT related. LOL! It's one step above Smith! Hahaha! When I google my first and last name, about 1,000 people come up! :lol: People came up in the US and the UK with the same first and last name as me. There's even someone at my job with the same first and last name as me.
My maiden name is a Yorkshire originated name that according to some sites is around the 7946th most common in the world my new surname is another Yorkshire originated name and is the 139162nd most common name in the world lol. (I don't think either of us come from Yorkshire. That's quite interesting actually I'd not twigged that before lol.)
Matthew Tress.... it took me far longer to get that than it should have... :lol:
Lol it took the parents a long time fortunately before the child was born though!
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Oh lovely thanks Ery. Mine is most common in England and Wales (no surprise there) but also occurs in the US, Canada, Australia and NZ. Mine ranks at nearlt 301000! So not very common! So much so that there is no other info about it at all, all the bits are just blank lol.
Us Yorkshire lasses have a lot to answer for inventing all these surnames lol
Wow that's cool Snowbee! :) I wish mine was more rare. :)
It's not that great, you have to spell it all the time for people and then they still get it wrong. It said there are 900 people with my surname, I think they all live near me as there are loads around here! It is also only one syllable and I think you need two or three for people to hear a name correctly first time. It is a theory I'm working on for finding a baby name too, no one syllable names!
It's annoying when people can't spell your name right lol
Definitely. My first & last name always get spelled wrong. And my surname gets many variations. :lol:
Does anyone else have to think about names carefully or is it just me?

You're not alone. My surname begins with A so we can't have any names beginning with A as the initials will become AA... as in Alcoholics Anonymous or a well known breakdown service.

I can't even substitute a middle name in there as many people only ever cite their first and last initials, so it wouldn't make a difference. As they are both vowels, we'd have to be careful with a middle name in that the initials didn't spell a word! Because I hate Abba and I don't use Axa for my insurance :eh:

I actually have a double barrelled last name but although my DH is supportive for me in many, many ways, he doesn't support the double-barrelled surname for any children we have.
I just checked mine and it's the 30th most common :O my husbands surname is 6th!!! crazy

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