My son keeps hitting & kicking my bump.


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2010
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My 16 month old keeps hitting my bum.
Like when Im changing his bum on the floor he will kick his legs out and straight into my bumpy.
Then sometimes hes just start hitting my stomache for no reason.
I tell him 'no' when he does it but he just laughs at me and carrys on doing it.
Bump doesnt seem to kick as much as my son did, but saying that I have Joe to run about after all day so only really notice it in the evening.
I just wondered if anyone else has experianced there children hitting there bump and what they do about it?
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This is my 1st baby so i dont have first hand experience of this but do you think he is a bit jealous of bump? I dont know how much fuss people are paying your bump but i have heard a mum lately at work saying similar. My only suggestion is having a look in waterstones at the books available about "new baby". I know your son is quite young but the children centre where i work has lots of books for under fives we lend out to parents. There great for explaining in a child friendly way whats in mummys tummy :)
Oh thats a good idea, I will definatly have a look into that.
My partner is always kissing my bump and putting Joe down sometimes to feel her kick so maybe he just doesnt understand why his dad is putting him down to feel the bump and is getting a bit jelouse maybe.
Thanks for the advice :)
What about getting him to go to the shops and choose something for baby?
Or helping you put baby clothes in the draws, and then his own. Or helping to make the moses basket up , Just things were he will get more involved . Or you could take him out to do big boy things, like a ball pool type centre or swimming, and make a point of saying now he is a big boy he could do this and that wikth you, but poor baby won't get to as he/she is too little - make him feel special with Joe time X
Oh thats a good idea as well :)
Im taking him swimming monday and will do tht thing with helping him put away her clothes and setting up things.
Thanks :)
My youngest is 4 and isn't happy that he can't climb all over me like he used to,I don't tell him off wen he jumps on my bump,I just tell him he has to b careful cos mummys tummy is precious. He helped a lot wen my nephew and neice was the stage were he could undress baby quicker and with less fuss than my sil :/ he's nearly 4 and is lookin forward to helpin with bathing and changing his brother. xxx
when the baby kicks get his to feel too and say this is going to be your little sister and cos he is a big boy he can do lots of things to help. I'm sure he'll love to be made a big bro there to protect x

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