My scan today... piccie and off to Tri 2! :D xxx


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2011
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Hi ladies,

Hope you and your little beans are all good! Just wanted to let you all know our scan was absolutely brilliant today :D I was so worried beforehand but baba has grown loads and has a lovely strong heartbeat. In fact he/she is such a little chunky monkey that they couldn't get the crown-to-rump measurement as baby was too big, and they had to measure the head instead! They have put me forward 4 days so I am now 14 weeks instead of 13+3 like I thought! (I'm not sure I believe this, as I used OPK's and was dead certain on our dates... am a bit worried that I will have to push out a huuuuge baby now haha!) Our little baby was fast asleep so we didn't see much wriggling, but we got a lovely pic.

So I am off to Tri 2 now eek... a bit scared, it feels like going to big school! Thank you so much to all you wonderful ladies for keeping me sane over the last few months, I really did not think I would get here at some points with bleeding, few symptoms etc etc and you've all been fab. I will keep popping in to see how you all are, and see you all in Tri 2 very soon!


PS - sorry for not posting earlier, it has been a crazy day doing the rounds of friends and relatives, soooo nice to be able to tell people now instead of keeping a secret! xxx


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Aw congrats that piccy is very clear and if you 14 weeks today your due the same day as me, im glad to be finally in tri two and hope that it goss faster than tri 1 lol xx
Lovely photo and see you in tri 2 in a few weeks!
Fab scan pic hon :) See you in tri 2, a lot more relaxing time xx
aww wow that is one of the best early scan pics i have ever seen and i have seen 6 of my own hehe gd luck for rest of ur preg xxx
Thanks so much ladies! :) yep elliesmum we are due the same day now yay! I need to change my ticker, lol.

Thanks jojo, that's the only consolation of having to wait so long for my scan that the pic is clearer lol, I'm really pleased with it!

I agree Tri 2 is so much more relaxing already :) see you all there! Xxx
Congratulations Ams! :) It is a lovely pic :) Must be an amazing feeling! Hee hee - made me laugh, the idea of pushing out a huge baby! :shock: Good luck in tri 2 hon - stay in touch! :wave:xxxx

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