my precious little babies


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2005
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i got back from the hospital a couple of hours ago but i just wanted to spend some time with braydon!! i got to hospital and had my scan the person who did it kept looking and saying oh etc i couldnt look i just watched braydon asleep in his car seat, me and garry then went to see the doctor who sed our babies hadnt made it i switched off then and just cried everyone tried to console me but i cant believe i have lost both my babies!! i got parts of wot he was trying to tell me but i didnt really understand as i was to upset he was saying something about my babies still being there and i can wait to miscarrage naturally or i could have it done medically - by this time i was to upset and just picked B up and walked out, garry stayed and tlked to the doc and the doctor sed i can let my GP know tomoz wot i want to happen!!!
i still cant believe both of my babies have gone i always wanted twins and now just like that they are both dead and inside me and i dont know wot to do!!!!
i want to tlk to garry and my family but i just feel that i cant i feel i have let them all down!!
wot should i do miscarry natuarally or medically i dont understand bout either ways if i do it naturally will i know my babies are gone and how will they go i need to know my GP want me there in the morning to let him know wot i want to do but i just dont know i want my babies to be growing inside me not just there
im so sorry if this does not make sence and thank you everyone for all your support the last few weeks some how i feel you guys are the only ones i cant tlk to about my twins my little babies braydons should have been siblings
love sarah
Sarah I am so sorry to hear your news, please dont feel that you have let garry and your family down, you have not atall and Im sure they donot think this either if you talk to them Im sure you will find this.
I cannot tell you weather you should miscarry naturaly or medically, im sorry I dont know anymore about how this will happen, but its up to you and if you want to 'wait' for it to happen or not. I dont know personally what I would do. Were all here hun if you need to talk
I am so so sorry Sarah :(


All I can say is that you haven't let anyone down hun and that you need to find out what your options are before you make a decision and talk it through with the people who love you and can help you through this.

More virtual hugs (((())))
Sarah I am so sorry you are going through this, I really can't imagine how you feel. I'm sorry I don't know about miscarriages and what happens next but I just wanted to offer you my support and send you a big (((hug))).
i'm so sorry sarah just don't know what to say
Just replyed on other thread, so sorry for your loss i cant imagine what you are going through right now


Steph x x
Sarah i am so sorry hun. We are all here for you. Am sending hugs and all my love, you have not let anyone down. Make whatever decision feels right for you. x
Hi Sarah

I'm so so sorry to hear what's happened to you.

I misscarried at 12 weeks - before conceiving Zara - and I know exactly how awful it is knowing that you baby is dead inside you.

If you chose to miscarry naturally you just sit and wait for it to happen. I think it depends on how far gone you are - some people are aware of the baby passing through others are not. You will probably be offered a scan in a few weeks to check that everything that should pass has done so.

I chose to have a D&C which is a really simple operation which physically will only effect you for a couple of days. With this option you don't have so much pain and bleeding. Athough some people believe that there is risk of damaging the cervix, i believe the risk is very low and it can help minimise the chance of infection. The reason I chose this was that I couldn't have stood the waiting and wanted to get on with the grieving.

I've found a couple of links which may help:

Please don't feel guilty or that you've let anyone down. These horrible things can, unfortunately, happen to anyone and nothing you could have done would have made any difference.

Take care, we're all here if you need us.

Louise x
Hi hun i just talked to you onthe net but i wnat to say how sorry i am again and ia am always here for you and B.
At least you have B and your family and of course garry and which ever you decide makesure its the right decision for you .
Love ya Katrina and Kaira xxxx
Sarah don't know what to say apart from I am devastated for you.

{{{hugs}}} to you at this time
My heart goes out to you and Gary must be a really difficult time for you. *HUG* I honestly don't know what to say, except that I'm sorry.

Hang in there hun

so sorry hun,

i really dont know what to say :(

ohhh sarah, im so sorry.
Take your time and think thru oyur options with garry, I miscarried at 8 weeks, and chose to do it naturally, but its a hard choice, and the most devastating feeling ever. Please make sure you talk things thru with family friends and garry. Take care xx
I replied in first trimester too.

I am so sorry Sarah, I'm here if you need to talk xxx
Sorry to hear this darling, stay strong for Braydon he will get you through this :)

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