
Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2005
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i got back from the hospital a couple of hours ago but i just wanted to spend some time with braydon!! i got to hospital and had my scan the person who did it kept looking and saying oh etc i couldnt look i just watched braydon asleep in his car seat, me and garry then went to see the doctor who sed our babies hadnt made it i switched off then and just cried everyone tried to console me but i cant believe i have lost both my babies!! i got parts of wot he was trying to tell me but i didnt really understand as i was to upset he was saying something about my babies still being there and i can wait to miscarrage naturally or i could have it done medically - by this time i was to upset and just picked B up and walked out, garry stayed and tlked to the doc and the doctor sed i can let my GP know tomoz wot i want to happen!!!
i still cant believe both of my babies have gone i always wanted twins and now just like that they are both dead and inside me and i dont know wot to do!!!!
i want to tlk to garry and my family but i just feel that i cant i feel i have let them all down!!
wot should i do miscarry natuarally or medically i dont understand bout either ways if i do it naturally will i know my babies are gone and how will they go i need to know my GP want me there in the morning to let him know wot i want to do but i just dont know i want my babies to be growing inside me not just there
im so sorry if this does not make sence and thank you everyone for all your support the last few weeks some how i feel you guys are the only ones i cant tlk to about my twins my little babies braydons should have been siblings
love sarah
I am so so sorry sweetheart, you mustn't feel as though you have let anybody down, you haven't, what has happened was totally out of your control and not the result of anything that you have done. Talk to Garry and your family they will want to be there for you and to give you all the supprt you need. I can't answer your questions about miscarrying, but there is a thread on the ttc buddies which jacquidube wrote about waiting for her miscarriage to happen, that thread may give you some answers.

Sending you lots of (((((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) and am always here for you if you want to talk.

Hi Sarah,

I'm so so sorry babe. I can only begin to imagine what you're going through and unfortunately there's not alot I can say to make things any better for you, I wish there was.
Your babies will be looking down on there Mummy and brother and know you love them very much. It will take time but but things will become easier, try your best to focus on your little angel and do talk to your family and Garry about how you're feeling, it will help ease the pain and take your time deciding on the next step, don't let anyone talk you into doing anything you don't want to do.

We're all here for you hun and sending you big hugs and love.

You take care.

Sarah.. lots of HUGS and KISSES coming your way
all i can suggest is don't let anyone pressurise you into anything, take time to think things through, however hard it may be -so you can try and pull yourself up as best as possible afterwards.
and do talk to whoever you feel will be good for you. you need support now, it's really important, even if it's just someone who will listen and hug you hard (you need to seem strong for braydon). eventually with time you will realise you haven't let anybody down and that people are there for you

good luck hun
you know we are all here for a chat or to listen whenever
lots of love xxx
oh Sarah

i am so so so sorry. sending ((((((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))))))))) to you and Garry. wish i could do something more.

Hi Sarah,
I went through the very same thing last Saturday. I'm so, so sorry for you. It's natural to feel that you've let people down, it was my first thought too, but you haven't. I hope your pain eases over the next couple of days. I was lucky in that I started to miscarry immediately so I was distracted by the physical pain, not the emotional.
Take good care and if it's any consuation, which it probably isn't, I'm doing pretty good 7 days later.
sarah im sending you all my love x x x x x you have to do what you want. when i m/c last year i chose the medical option as i thought this would be easier and less traumatic but some people prefere to let nature take its course. it is up to you. you can talk to me when ever you want i understand what you are going through.
x x
Oh sarah im sending you loads of hugz and my thoughts are with you and gary during this hard time. I am so sorry that you are going through this.


xoxo Ree
I'm so sorry for your loss. You and your family will be in my prayers.

Sarah hunnie I am so so so sorry, I don't know what to say. I'm here if you need me on MSN.

Thinking of you xxxxxx

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