my poor lil boy (so upset)


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2005
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well as some of u know Braydon may have asthma, not only is that upsetting for me enough my GP wants him to be tested for diabeties. my poor lil boy my grandad has diabetites not bad tho and says he wishes he dont have it, i so wish B is ok and dont have eithere but knowing my luck at the mo he will have them both
aww hunny! poor braydon! how do you know if your little one has asthma? OH had it when he was younger so Im worried Ella may get it to. He should grow out of the asthma hopefully! Hope the diabetes test comes back ok, how come they suspect diabetes?
Aww sarah...

Don't be upset, there is know way of knowing whether or not he has either until the tests come back, and I can say it's very unlikely he'll have both! Even if he does have one or the other, they are both very manageable conditions and you can grow out of asthma, you know.

You are understandably feeling bad but try not to worry hun. All will be well, and all will be well, and all manner of things will be well... :pray:

I dunno who said that but it always makes me feel better.
Try not to worry. As Sue said both are manageable.

Daniel and Alex have asthma, both diagnosed around 2 months. Daniel has never let it stop him doing anything (he plays trumpet and football for school), I don't think Alex will either. Kids are remarkably resiliant and they'll just get on with things - they'll only treat it as a disability if you do.
What are the symptoms of it when they are this young? There is a strong family history in my family and Marks family, and me too. I often wonder whether Damien has it? I wouldn't be surprised if he did to be honest, I just don't know the signs at this age.

Sorry to hear about Braydon Sarah, it is managable and only in a few cases is it very bad. Most kids do grow out of it :D My brother was on breathing machines so often when he was little, and lots of ventalin meds, but now he barely has it at 19!
wheezing, coughing, difficulty breathing. In older children they use a peak flow meter to measure how good their lungs are. As a baby, they can't do that so they tend to give them the medicines - if it gets better it's asthma (dead scientific). I don't think they have severe attacks until they start getting active.

Daniel and Alex both had a chest infection which didn't get better - it dried up but still wheezy. It's treated with normal inhalers (the spray ones not the turbohalers) with a plastic bubble that you squirt into and a face mask (if you can get them to keep it on). I don't think Dan got preventers until he was about 2, Alex just has relievers.
Awww, wee lambie!! Give B a hug from me!!

Emilia xx

Im sorry to hear about Braydon heres a ((((hug)))) for you and a ((((hug)))) for B .
I hope they figure out what is wrong soon os you can relax a little and at least know seems like a long process.
Take care hun :D
Tracy, Damien always sounds congested and coughs alot but I put it down to the reflux? And you know about his apnoea's and trouble with breathing. I asked Doc in the past but he said they don't normally test for it till they are 2??? My brothers had the mask and plastic bubble thing (can't remember what it's called) for him to take him medicines. Not suire if I'm imagining it now or if it's worth asking HV or GP about it again? They might just say it's reflux or 'don't worry till he gets bigger' again.
hi Ya B has wot tracy sed the chest infection that has never truely gone! if he exersices to much hell cough for ages and gets out of breath really easily!
They don't give preventers (the brown inhalers) until they are 2ish, until they can do the peak flow, but ours gives relievers (blue inhalers) based on the symptoms. The relievers don't help wheeziness much - it comes back again pretty soon after taking it, but they do stop a full on attack if they're starting to go blue and just can't get enough breath. It's also really hard to use the bubble - they've got to be really gasping for breath for the valve to work. Since getting rid of his chest infection, Alex has only had two proper attacks, once when first giggled and got a bit over excited, and once when he had a paddy getting out of the bath.

Sarah, does he get giggle wheezes? Dan still does it now. He'll start giggling, the asthma starts, which for some reason makes him giggle more, which makes the asthma worse... He used to wet himself every time (he's grown out of that though)

The proper name for the bubble is a 'spacer' I think - bloomin stupid name, it's a bubble.
yeah they are called spacers i used to have one hehe cause i couldnt get the hang of doing an inhaler i was about 4 so i am forgiven lol

Tracy he only does it if he is an giggling fit! how do they check a baby for having it? my doc wants to see B but i only like seeing him and he not in till monday?
GP didn't really test for it - we'd been about 6 times with his chest infection so he gave us some becotide to try. We went back 3 days later and his chest was clearer so he told us to make an appointment with the practise nurse every two weeks for the asthma clinic. We never see the GP about it now. The practise nurse weighs him (which means we don't have to see the HV :dance: :wink: ), listens to his chest, lets him have a play with the peak flow thingy so he gets used to it, and does a practise with the bubble. Occasionally he goes on the nebuliser without any medicine in it, again to get used to it. She's supposed to measure him, but we can't get him to lie down and stay still for that bit
Poor little B, Hope things turn out ok, big hugs from me ((((()))))
poor B! hugs and love from us, and fingers crossed its all nothing serious xx
Hi my son suffers from asthma all though they have only just diagnosed it as asthma, they told me they dont diagnose untill the child is over 2 as a lot of babies have signs of ashtma. My sons been on inhalers since about 6 mnths both preventer an reliever through a spacer (big plastic thing) he has also had to have a go on a nebiliser (sp) a far few times. I have suffered with it for yrs too.
He only really suffers when hes got a bad cold, where he has to have more inhaler, i feel so sorry for him its a shame.
Hope he doesnt have it its not fair on the poor little mights is it?
i had asthma but only wen it was change of season
B seems to be wen he exersices, does this mean hell have trouble being an eill 2 yr old runnin me raggered or not? i dont really know as i didnt really suffer with it
hannah is having inhalers now but doc has told me not to worry because it does'nt mean she will have asthma
Hi sarah, Kai is a normal 4 yr old boy he's none stop infact he is always on the go an he's fine from time to time he may need a puff of his inhaler but thats it, but as i said its only been this last few weeks that the docs have said he's an astmatic, ur son may weel just be fine once he gets a bit older!
hope so.
i hope so to thank hun!!! tomoz is the day of truth fingers crossed

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