My Poor Dog!


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2005
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I am so sad, someone is coming to collect my little Yorkie Bonnie at 6 tonite.

Ever since Rebecca was born she has been acting up, constantly barking etc, and everytime I bend down to talk to Rebecca she is jumping up licking me, and when I am feeding Rebecca her bottle she climbs on her to get my attention... :roll:

I feel so devastated at saying goodbye, but we have tried everything :cry: :cry:
Oh poor you, i cried when my mum got rid of our pet dog :( :(
I know exactly how you feel. We had to sell our Bullmastiff when i was 8 months pregnant. I really didn't want to and he was really soft and lovable so i knew he wouldn't hurt the baby on purpose but he weighed 11 stone and i just couln't risk it. Will definatly be getting another one in a couple of years.
I've got two yorkies and they've been acting in a similar way :(

I've just put up stairgates to stop them coming in the front room all the time and from coming upstairs, but Rosie has managed to manouvre under the stair one already....

Rosie has been the worst, I think Charlie got used to not getting as much attention when we bought her. But she was my baby before Ella, she even sat on my bump when I was having contractions :shock: :lol:

Slowly she's getting used to not having as much attention, but it breaks my heart sometimes the way she looks at me and Ella :cry:

I know that you must be feeling really sad, hope the goodbye wasn't too painful :(
She is gone, I was breaking my heart, the tears were flooding down my face, had to get OH to hand her over as I am not good at goodbyes. She is going to a good home tho (somebody in my work).

Kina I have 2 aswell, now 1 tho since Bonnie is gone. We are left with Candy who isn't as jealous of Rebecca but is still slightly! Time will tell with her 2!

I just felt bad as I can no longer give the love and attention they need and deserve and Bonnie was very needy. (Just trying to ease my conscience!)

Thanks for the replies tho ladies. Kina did u call urself Rosieroo after Rosie ur dog? :think: xx
Kina did u call urself Rosieroo after Rosie ur dog?
:oops: Yup! :lol: Told you she was my baby before Ella!! :oops:

I'm crap at goodbyes too. Once we had a deranged westie pup, she used to eat her own poo and puke it up and beat the carp out of Charlie, she also had no idea when she was full up and would just eat and eat, she'd start bulging! :shock: After 3-4 weeks of scrubbing up dog poo sick I'd had enough and we advertised her for sale, a woman called and asked us to take her round there and we did. When we got there Daisy launched herself at the dog food bowl (she already had a collie) and started wolfing down these biscuits like she was half starved, DH picked her up and you could see the shapes of the biscuits through her stomach :shock: She hadn't even chewed them properly. Anyway the woman still wanted her and it still broke my heart to leave her even though she was a devil dog. :shock: I often wonder what happened to her.

At least Bonnie has gone to a good home and you'll still get progress reports :) Yorkies are definately quite hard maintenance, but it's my fault that Rosie is like she is as I spoilt her rotten! :oops:
i couldnt let Gen go id never stop crying lol thankfully she is good wit Braydon
I want to get rid of my cats but OH wont let me :(
Kim said:
I want to get rid of my cats but OH wont let me :(

I'd take them but OH would leave me more then likely. Your cats are adorable (sneak them to me when we meet up)
i just can't love them any more. i'm sorry everyone i know it sounds mean but i have no time for them now. they were my world before rubie but i don't have any spare love now she is here. they jump in the cot, leave hairs everywhere, natter to go out, come in, be fed etc. and they cost a bloody fortune. they would be better off in a home where they get more attention
Ah no thats so sad :cry: you poor thing.
you're doing the right thing though - i know it doesnt make it easier but you are.

luckily we didnt have any pets as we both worked long hours before we had alex. we would have had to get rid of them as alex has asthma now. hoping that once he is older his asthma will be mild like his daddies and we can have a dog. will just have to wait and see. cats are a no no as dh is allergic.

Could you have got some help from an animal behavourist? My lab in the piccie has been our baby for 8 years and I could never let her go! Everyone feels different I guess. :think:
Mermaid it all changes when a LO comes along. Rebecca occupies my time 24-7 when I am not working. It's tiring, so an added stress is just exhausting! :bored:
kina i didnt know you were rosieroo! lol :oops:

I dont get on here much.

I can relate to this thread because I have found my cat a bit of a nuisance since I had Isaac. Its harder with cats though because they go out and roam around you can't re-home them as easily as a dog.

It sounds like your dog has gone to a good home and if its someone you know can't you still visit or meet in the park now and then?

Lou :)
Oh you poor thing :( I'd be heartbroken. We have a 2 year old german shepherd, she loves kids thankfully, really gentle and just follows them around BUT I am still a bit worried about our baby! I'm going to try and get her to lie next to me when I'm feeding and then play with her with the ball afterwards. We have already got her used to not having a walk first thing in the morning and last thing at night so she wont be able to resent the baby for that.

Does anyone have any tips for bringing the baby home when you have a dog?
Oh hun, im tears reading your post.
Id die if i had to get rid of Jazz. She was my best friend and baby til Charlie arrived, now she's my best friend and baby after 8pm lol!
Jazz is a Staffie, they are renowned for being 'nanny' dogs, and she is fab with Charlie.
How's the other dog now her buddy has gone?? I have had to train Jazz a lot more since having Charlie, and her life has changed a lot...we are pretty srict with her, but atleast she is still at home with us.
skatty said:
Oh you poor thing :( I'd be heartbroken. We have a 2 year old german shepherd, she loves kids thankfully, really gentle and just follows them around BUT I am still a bit worried about our baby! I'm going to try and get her to lie next to me when I'm feeding and then play with her with the ball afterwards. We have already got her used to not having a walk first thing in the morning and last thing at night so she wont be able to resent the baby for that.

Does anyone have any tips for bringing the baby home when you have a dog?

The only thing I can suggest is just make sure you give her some attention. It is tough when you have got a baby but I make sure I give everyone a love as its their family too. No-one gives me any love though :( I have been lucky, my cats have been really good and will either avoid Seren or go up to her and sit by her and let her pull off their ears. My dog is 15 so I have to keep him away as he is unsteady on his legs and has fallen over so I do feel bad about that.
Aww, I really feel for you hun. It is awful when we have to let our 'babies' go, but sometimes we have no choice.

I was going to start a post about this a couple of weeks ago, but thought people would think I was horrid. But now I see other people in the same boat as me, I feel a bit better.

Here goes:

DH had a German Sheppard cross when we met, and they both moved in with me. Carling is no trouble at all, and is soft as s**t. BUT, he is very excitable and jumps a lot. You also have to tell him things 4-5 times (things like Lie Down) before he'll do them. DH never walks him :( , I do. But I am finding it increasingly difficult with my back problems, and I'm feeling really guilty that he isn't getting out as much. Also, because of the long hair, I have to hoover twice a day, and then as soon as he gets excited again, the house is covered. You can see the hair literally falling off him. I've not hoovered yet this morning, and the living room floor is currently covered with loads of hair, and loads of grass seeds that have come off his coat. I am just really worried about the hair when LO is born. Surely this can't be hygienic? I have spoken to DH about it and told him that he needs to walk him more and brush him more, but he hasn't done either. It seems that I take responsibility for Carling, and I have all the worry.

I am seriously considering telling DH that Carling has to go before LO is born, but I feel horrible for even thinking it. :( He always says that Carling is his boy, but he doesn't ever seem to take an interest in him. I really don't know what to do... :( :(

I've just read that post back and have tears in my eyes now. I can't believe I'm even contemplating it, but I have to do something.
I've just gone to hoover, and so you can see whay I am on about, this is 3 days worth of hair in the Dyson! The hoover was emptied Monday night after I cleaned.


And you can see the state of the carpet - that goes back to navy blue after I've done it! :shock:

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