My poor car!!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2007
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Dave killed her!!!! I actually love my rubbish old fiesta "Sally"!!

We've been away visiting family this weekend and were driving from the north east to the north west over the lake district, my Dad recommended a route which we tried to put in the sat nav, it went a little OTT and sent us down these windy roads, Dave was driving up this hill and half way up we realized it was sheet ice!! Car stopped, we went backwards and just before the end of the ice the car veered sideways in to a grassy mound!!

The whole time Tally was asleep and she didn't even wake up when we hit it (i was checking on her every 5 minutes afterward though)

Now i was after a new car anyway as i want a safer one for Tally and to be able to put her in the back comfortably, atm the 3 doors make it a pain! Car is destroyed!! Would be a right off due to it's low value, still drives but the bumper is coming off, fuel cap wont close back body work is crumpled, and the light cluster is no where near it's normal position (though all lights still work lol)

Everyone is fine except my neck hurts as i think i was checking on Tally we hit as obviously we knew it was coming so it twisted a bit, i must admit it's made me SO glad we're getting a new car, my first thought was how the hell do i get her out!! It'd take ages to get the car seat out the back and if it was a bad crash i wouldn't wanna pull her out her seat in case she was hurt.

needless to say we took the big roads home very slowly!!
glad your all ok hun,thats the main thing at the end of the day :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
abcd1234 said:
Dave killed her!!!!

OMG, I haven't got my glasses on and I read the thread title as "my poor CAT"!!!

Had a bit of a shock when you said Dave killed her.

Glad everyone is OK :hug: . Silly satnav, didn't it know it was icy???? :shakehead: :lol:
Hazel said:
abcd1234 said:
Dave killed her!!!!

OMG, I haven't got my glasses on and I read the thread title as "my poor CAT"!!!

Had a bit of a shock when you said Dave killed her.

I just did the exact same thing :rotfl: :rotfl:

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