my poor baby :(


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2011
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He keeps having screaming fits, like full blown purple faced fits. Its been all different times of day night. Sometimes milk can settle him but at 530am he had a bottle then projectile vomited it all up. He then carried on screaming so I tried teething powder and nurofen and he slept so peafully til 915 (which he never does)

I have been weaning him off the colief, so I'm gonna start that back up but also keep trying the powders n nurofen if nothing else works

He's had very runny poos the last few days too which is weird as he should have constipation due to gaviscon (I'm not even having to give water or the lactulose I usually have to use)

Hope something settles him soon, any suggestions welcome xxx
sorry so suggestions :hugs: sounds like teething. poor little thing. what about something to chew on?
Yeah that's what I've been thinking but I can't feel anything yet, he chews on his hands loads and he does have a few teething rings but he hasn't mastered the art of holding things and chewing them properly apart from his hands or blankets lol

Its esp the runny poo bit that makes me think teething. The screaming fits are so awful :( xxx
Babies can still have runny poo even if constipated as poo can slide past the hard bit until that moves my lo had this when she was constipated then we got a mixture of both in one nappy x
runny poo can be sign of teething i think but then as sayer says it can also stilll be constipation but if the nurophen helped then id say it might be more likley that pain that had caused the screaming

has he been drooling more?
Oh right thanks ladies I never knew that!

Yeah he always has a ring of wet round his vest no matter how hard I try and wipe it or keep it dry!!

Might be worth giving him a little water though hun, if he's dribbling a lot and does have a runny bum he could dehydrate a bit just to add to his woes
He won't take water :( he used to but won't anymore! I'm sure I can't see any teeth anywhere near n I've felt his gums n can't feel anything but gonna keep going with it poor thing.

Thanks ladies xxx
Poor poppet :( They can get pain before the teeth actually appear, so it could be that. I take it he doesn't have reflux or anything?
Yeah he has reflux but is on meds for that n they seem to work, this is different to the crying before when the reflux was bad.

Its all a big mystery when it comes to babies, would be a lot easier if they could just tell us :D
Poor little man- hope he's better soon xx

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