My poor baby *UPDATED


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2007
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I had to call an ambulance at 2:30 this morning. Maisy was gasping for breath and I didnt have a clue what was going on, I was soo scared. Paramedics came within minutes and done a few tests but couldnt find anything wrong. They had to take us to hospital as she is soo young so they took a few more tests and still couldnt find anything wrong. The doctor said that she might have just got some sick stuck down her airway which was making her gasp for breath.
We were let out at lunchtime but she doesnt seem her normal happy self. She wont settle, not feeding as much as she usually would and has a temperature :(
Should I ring up NHS Direct and see what they say or just keep an eye on her?
Personally I would ring nhs direct, just for some reassurance. A sign that your baby is not well is a temp and if they are not eating. Has she been going to the toilet??
Explain what happened last night and I they will advise you. No need to panic hun, but it's good to have a little reassurance and it is what they are there for. Hope she gets better soon and try not to worry, although I know you will! :lol: :hug: :hug:
Shes 2 months 3 weeks and four days old. She's started coming out with a rash on her tummy, her temperature is 39ºC and she has started gasping for breath .. I've rung NHS Direct and waiting for a nurse to call me back.
Just what I need when My B/F's away with work. Looks like il be spending another night in hospital :(.
is the rash raised hun? Is she blue around the mouth/lips? a sign that she might not be getting enough oxygen, hence the gasping for breath maybe. I really think you did the right thing in ringing the NHS. If your baby needs hospital treatment then it's the best place for her, I know its not nice........................I spent a week in pediatrics when Dan was a week old and very ill with bronchilitis.
Let us know how she is :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thankyou for the hugs..
Not much to say but Maisy has been admitted as they're not pleased with her breathing and they've been taking tests and Were just waiting the results. Our local hospital was full last night so we had to be taken to a hospital about 30 minutes away from where we live, not the nicest of hospitals.
The nurses are so rude, they dont seem to know what they're doing and ignoring questions I ask... feel like im invisible :(

I'l update when I hear more information
oh hun, at least she's in the best possible place. Hopefully not long before they find out what is wrong with her (thinking back it took them a few Days to find out Dan bronchilitis)
How long before your BF is back? hope its not too long, I bet you both could do with a cuddle!
hope shes gets better soon, big hugs and keep us posted :hug:

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