My pee pot has gone to heaven :-(

Fingers crossed

Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2006
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After I peed in it this morning I washed it out went to put it back on top of the cistern and it slipped out of my grip and smashed all over the toilet :cry: I've had that pee pot since I first TTC 10 months ago, it's been through everything with me :cry: Rest in peace (or pieces) little pot *salutes*
Hey maybe it got pee'd off and you won't be needing it anymore :rotfl:

Hopefully you will only need one more poas session and it will be your bfp- I think maybe your pot thought it was going to be made redundant soon! :pray:
i dont think it wanted to be made redundant !

maybe a new pee pot will mean a different rsult :wink:

my home pee pot has cracked , i think dh has dropped it but luckly it doesnt leak :oops: i have a rather smaller pee pot for work , in fact you'll laugh ! its a magic medicince pot :oops: NOT easy to pee into :oops: but fits in my pocket :rotfl:
:rotfl: Didn't realise there were so many pee jokes. I Hope you're right about not needing it anymore, maybe it was an omen :shock: .
Gem, you take little pee pot to work? That's dedication for you :lol: .
Fingers crossed said:
After I peed in it this morning I washed it out went to put it back on top of the cistern and it slipped out of my grip and smashed all over the toilet :cry: I've had that pee pot since I first TTC 10 months ago, it's been through everything with me :cry: Rest in peace (or pieces) little pot *salutes*

I always thought you were a .........

wait for it.......


Crack Pot!!!! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Ok, I admit it, that was terrible.
you mean you dont :oops: i test opk at 10 am and 6 pm , if imat work then needs must :rotfl:

i should say that i dont have a work place and that i have to make do with b&q or homebase toilets :oops: :rotfl:

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