My Munchkin is Kicking Yay!!!!

First Baby White

Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2007
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I have just realised I havent told you all my little munchkin is kicking, I thought I felt it whilst sat in traffic on the way to work on Friday morning, I was singing my heart out so dont think bubba likes it ha ha.

It then did it several times that day so i thought it definately was my little munchkin, i told hubby about and he said I cant wait to feel it too.

Well that night Ian was doing my creams and he placed his hand on my stomach and applied a but of pressure and the baby kicked about 4 times and he could feel it!!!

We have gone from no kicks to feeling kicks on the outside in one day, its amazing and I am so excted but I still cant make the connection with there being a baby kicking inside me!!!!

Sorry for the long post!!!!
Hehehe, you wait when you start getting your whole belly move :wink:
:cheer: Great news hun-I'm still excited when I feel my LO move and it's been happening for weeks!
Great news!!! :cheer:

It's so briliant when the baby kicks!

Alex xxx
kazlin said:
Hehehe, you wait when you start getting your whole belly move :wink:

Oh yeah :lol:

Mine does that now - freaks me out :lol:

Congrats! Its a great feeling
That is fantastic news hun :dance:
I know how much you have been waiting for this moments, congrats love
And brilliant that you Ian felt it on the smae day i bet he was chuffed to bits.
It's a wonderful feeling and i still get all emotional when i feel Collier kick :hug:

Enjoy it hun :D :hug:
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Yay thats great news, i've only had the odd little fumble in my tummy and i don't think that my OH would have felt it so i cannot wait till i get to the stage when i get definete kicks and when my OH can feel it too!

I'm so pleased for you thats a lovely memory you've just created :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

how cute is that!!! I can feel them kicking and fluttering about now, but Shaun cant yet, even i cant on the outside, no matter how hard i push them to move etc lol
Thanks Everyone for your :dance:

It is amazing and I was convinced i wouldnt feel it for ages yet but it came out the blue, nothing one day to kicks the next. I feel him about 5 times a day so not fully active but I cant wait til my belly starts to move for everyone to see :cheer:

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