my mummy has freaked me out!!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2008
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I don't know how much motherly instinct counts for...but my mum is usually right when it comes to me :?

I had a MW appointment today and all is well, but I mentioned how tired I am and all the aches and pains I've been feeling. MW didn't seem worried but has written in my notes how the baby is fully engaged and I need to count my movements (baby has been quiet for the last few days...)

Anyway, we went to Tesco after my appointment and I was huffing and puffing my way around the feet ached, my back hurt, I had period pains and I thought I was going to collapse at one point :( Anyway, this prompted my mum to make one of her often scarily near the truth remarks: "You're going to have this baby soon."

:shock: :shock: :shock:

Girls I don't know what to think!!! Haha, I'm not too worried...maybe she's right, maybe she's wrong...but my mum can usually read me like a book, so it does concern me a little bit :lol: Also, she had me and my brother early - I was 11 days early and my brother was 7 days early...

Oh well, I guess time will tell :lol:

C xxx
Wow that sounds great hun :cheer:

I hope your Mum is right :D Hope your bags are packed ;) :D
i thought i would follow my mums pregnancies/births but nope.... i was 7 weeks early, sister was 3 weeks early... im 38+4 & no sign of baby yet! Got told it was fully engaged on monday & spent the day in a daze & not being able to move.... woke up on tuesday, all was back to normal!
I hope im wrong in your case but all it did for me was make me depressed that im still continuing to grow... & if one more person says to me "it will come when its ready" when my sides are aching, my skin feels like it has no more stretch & im struggling to stand up i swear ill batter them! :lol:
Heehee, don't want to get you all excited, it's probably just me reading too much into it, although I would LOVE to have my LO in the next week....but knowing my luck, I doubt that will happen :D

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