My mum is driving me crazy


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2011
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I know she means well and she is excited but I told her I prefer not make any plans until I have my 12 week scan. I am still very scared something will go wrong and just dont feel like I can be discussing room decoration etc.

But she keeps going back to these topics, I try not be on my Skype anymore (she is in a different country). She also keeps telling me who got pregnant and who has kids back home, seriously, I am not interested.:wall2:

My MIL on the other hand doesnt ask any questions whatsoever, although I could tell she was very excited when we told them.

Just needed to vent, thanks for reading!
sounds like she's just excited for you. I do understand tho - thats one of the reasons why i haven't told my mum yet as she will get over excited. Just want to make sure everythings fine before letting myself get swept away with it all.
I know she is very excited, maybe I shouldnt have told her before 12 weeks. I just cant relax until I have my nuchal scan!
my mum is the same every time i have got pregnant she has almost bought the moses basket then i miscarry you'd have thought she would have learnt
My mum was worse - when I had mc, she kept telling me about who got pregnant, seemed to be the only topic she could discuss. I had to tell her I wasnt interested in hearing news and wasnt turning my skype on. Sometimes people are weird
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