my mum doesnt get on with my OH


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2010
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iv recently argued with my mum over silly things like her babysitting my sisters kids but not my son alfie. she does it all the time and im sick of it .
now shes saying my OH is a w****r and a puff and stuff
she has no reason to do this as she has only met him once and all she said was hi, she had written him off before even meeting him i think
this upsets me because he makes me and my son so happy
i used to stay at my mums every weekend so she didnt have to be on her own(my ikkle bro there in week) but now i cant and dont want to coz of OH
although i do still stay on the odd day at weekend and i still see her

,............ i think that is half of the problem, i have now said untill she accepts OH i want no more to do with her i cant stand her constantly slagging him off.........the worst of it all is that she accepts my two sisters OH's n thy have both beaten up my sister trashed there houses and everything where as mine treats me like a princess
am i being selfish? am i the one in the wrong??
By any chance are you the youngest of your sisters?

Perhaps she's lonely??

If you are the youngest then maybe she's being over protective?

No idea hun, I'm no help but maybe try talking to her about it and let her know how you feel?

I don't think you're being selfish hun, but don't cut her off completely - she needs to understand how it's affecting you and your relationship.

Hope you get things sorted soon. x x
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You're certanly not in the wrong, but maybe there is more to it than your mum just not liking your OH.

I think you know why it is too, it's because she is alone and you was there for her and all of a sudden your weekends don't revolve around her anymore.

Calling your OH things like a puff just show that she has nothing better to call him. She is trying to imply that he is soft and weak and needy like a women which she must think is why you can't stay with her anymore.

Basically she blames him.

It's your mum's problem, but getting into argument with her about it isn't going to help. Ask her to babysit and if she says no, she says no. It isn't fair but it's your mum's decision.

If you want things to go back to how they were between you, well maybe you could invite her around for dinner a couple of nights a week and maybe she can sleep on your sofa? If OH is cooking all the better ;)

If she doesn't want to because it's inconvenient for her, well that says a lot and maybe she'll see things from your point of view.
thanx so much for your replies girls she still fails to see he makes me happy and i have stayed at hers the odd night she is just driving me mad and im not the most patient of people lol
thankyou :)

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