my mei tai is finished!


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2005
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i've spent most of today (inbetween looking after ruben) sewing a mei tai from a pattern on the internet, and it's FINISHED! i tried it briefly (ruben was tired and grumpy so only had a short test-drive!) and it seems really comfy both for me and my 19lbs 3oz chunk of a baby! i have decided to make another one as i'm not 100% happy with it, i made one with interchangeable panels, but i think i'd be happier with a simpler design, possibly a reversible one. will fiddle until i figure it out! lol

i've decided to try and see if there is a market to sell these things around here (or even an ebay shop perhaps?) as a way of making a bit of extra money as i'm not returning to work! do you guys think this will work???

going to the market tomorrow to see if i can find a funky cotton canvas fabric for my next project.

i'd post a pic, but need OH's help to take one with me wearing it - so maybe i'll post one tomorrow!
:clap: Can't wait to see it!!

I definately think there would be a market - I've bought some on Ebay before but they have been from American sellers (for Mei Tais).
that sounds really good. It will be nice to see a piccie of it.
blimey kina what a quick reply - were you waiting for my post?!? :lol: i've only just posted it!

will def try and post a pic!

i'm gonna make one for my friend in southampton and she can be my guinea-pig! she has a 3 1/2 month old little girl, so i can indulge and make a girly one! :lol:
petchy said:
blimey kina what a quick reply - were you waiting for my post?!? :lol: i've only just posted it!

will def try and post a pic!

i'm gonna make one for my friend in southampton and she can be my guinea-pig! she has a 3 1/2 month old little girl, so i can indulge and make a girly one! :lol:

:lol: I saw the words Mei Tai and was in like a shot. Not often you see those words on here :lol: Don't go tempting me by making gorgeous girly ones!! Have you checked out some of the other online sellers like the Kozy ones etc? OMG I would spend a fortune if DH let me! At the moment I've got a coorie pouch, a peerie pouch, a Onbu (it's a pink satin brocade one with cream twill straps *dribbles*), a pink ring sling and a mei tai I bought off of Ebay. I don't have the cash to increase my sling stash at the moment, but if I did I would go wild! I love my onbu, it's so pretty, but I find a MT easier to tie.
oi, beanie, don't get me "done" for advertising on the forum! lol :lol: but i'd be happy to make you one!
wow your so clever, Im hopless at making things! Would love to see a pic and may be interested in one??? If you test drive Ruben and find he's not too heavy then I should be ok carrying ella!
Being incredibly thick, I have to ask the question - a What???! :think:
:lol: They're really addictive (slings), there are so many different types out there. I pop Ella in a hip carry inside my pouch, it's so much comfier than walking around with her in one arm.

We'll have to have a sling part of the forum ;) cough cough *hint* cough cough and maybe reusable nappies part ;) cough cough *hint* cough cough

Dammit, need something for this cough!
sending some cough mixture your way kina! :lol:

i can't stop thinking about these mei tais... i'm thinking i need to find somewhere to buy lots of cool fabric remnants that i can use for the outside of them! lol

i LOVE the look of the ones with chinese brocade on them, they are soooo pretty!

i can see why this is addictive... think my sewing machine will be used alot from now on! :lol: i'll end up with one for every day of the year!
Matt bought me a sewing machine for mothers day (I wanted one), used it over one weekend and though, blimey I'm carp at this and took it back :lol:

What fabrics are you using for the straps? My onbu has padded straps for around the shoulder area and is really comfy.

I love girly fabrics, particularly the new peerie fabrics at And I've always dribbled over the Charlotte kozy

Hey if you can make MTs then you'll be able to make ring slings and stuff aswell wont you?

You should talk to Jo (username HillBilly) she's recently joined the forum and she makes a lot of slings for herself.

Am jealous of you talented ladies!!
What fabrics are you using for the straps?
i've used a bottomweight cotton canvas with a tiny bit of stretch in it. (made sure i cut the straps so the"give" wasn't in the lengthways direction) i bought some wadding and was gonna pad the straps but i didn't in the end as the straps are quite wide and comfy anyway, although i am going to experiment with different things.

Hey if you can make MTs then you'll be able to make ring slings and stuff aswell wont you?
i suppose so, yes! although for now i'm gonna focus on the mei tais and get them spot on - i figure once i have finalised my basic design i can become a real racer once i know how to do them properly. then i can use the basic design and just make modifications to personalise them!

you should have persevered with the sewing machine - a bit of practice and you would have been fine!
Oooooh exciting!! :clap: :clap: I had a couple of Grapie Baby MTs which have wider unpadded straps but I sold them as Ella wasn't really a MT baby at that point. I put her in her Onbu the other day though and she's definately getting the hang of them now. She preferred facing outwards crossed legged in a pouch. She's getting quite big for that now though.

Can't wait for the cooler weather and to pop her into a back carry :lol:

I want to try a wrap but am worried that I'll get the material all bunched up or it will pull on my neck.
Can't wait for the cooler weather and to pop her into a back carry
i need a lot more practice before i can manage to get ruben onto my back properly - i tried earlier but felt as if i was gonna drop him! :shock: i think once i get the hang of it it will be great to carry him in this way! any babywearers in leicester that want to come give me a crash course?! lol

i'd better get on with the housework, and not chat away on here all day!
Well I haven't tried it yet, so maybe I'll get scared and carry on with her on my front :lol: Did you lie him down on top of it on the bed? That's probably the easiest way isn't it?
i tied the MT round my waist like for a front carry, but round the back if you know what i mean. then i sat on the sofa and tried to manouvre ruben onto the flat bit of MT that i had laid out behind me and draped over the back of the sofa. then i tried to grab hold of the straps and bring them over my shoulder. it kinda worked but i need to get him higher on my back, as he was hanging too low to be comfortable for me. must pull upwards more before tying the shoulderstraps next time i think.
When I try it I am going to lay the MT down (on my bed or sofa), lay Ella on top, lean back and straddle Ella's legs around my waist from behind, tie the waist straps then pull the shoulder straps over and tie them.
They have some back carry instructions on the Baby Hawk website but I'm too chicken to try those whilst Ella is so small, definately something I will save for toddlerdom.

Have you seen this forum for Baby Wearing? It's where I bought my onbu through.

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