My little Redhead


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2008
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Ive read alot of dream topics and always thought, thanks god mine are always abit weird but not too scary or violent or anything, but last night i had the STRANGEST dream, and woke up thinking i was still in it :S

So i was in the hospital and id just had my little baby, but then they rushed off with them into another room and all i saw was a little mop of brown hair, and i said "where have they gone ( to OH ) go and find them, what are they ?? go and get them", and he said "oh for eff sake woman give em a minute" and started walking off, and im still hooked upto this bed with leg straddle things that im all attatched to, n i asid where you going. .. . and he said " out for a fag you silly bitch", so im all confused and trying to undo the bed thingys.
Next thing i know im sitting in a ward all cleaned up and OH's got his dirty big boots ( like builder type and covered with mud ) on the little see through baby crib, so i jump up and move them off, and theres no baby in the crib so i start screaming where have they gone. . . . and then this nurse comes over with this really chubby little 1 year old redhead baby, and hands them too me, and i said "no i want my baby", and she looked at OH and said "this is your baby emily", looks at me like im MAD, OH just rolls his eyes, i said " this cant be my baby i only had them yesterday, and they had brown hair" and she said well take it or leave it, either this babys yours and you take them home when your taxi gets here, or you leave without one.. .. . . . . and then i woke up

What the hell girls ?!?!?
LOL oh dear :hug: Sorry to laugh but it was pretty funny!!

Dreams are sooo annoying! I've had so many dreams that I've given birth and things have gone completely tits up... Like once I had a see through glass looking baby that didn't survive, another time I had a premature baby that was perfectly formed and could fit into my hand and the doctor told me she won't survive so in a huge panic I was trying to push her BACK up me so I could look after her and keep her alive! :shock:

Dreams can affect us so badly though, I've had dreams during this pregnancy which I can still vivdly remember! :wall:

Maybe we should start writing them down? Someone mentioned this a few months back... Our LOs will have so many laughs reading through them! xx
lol i was only meant to write mine breifly but once i started, bit of an epic !! Once id realised i wasnt being pawned off a toddler in real-life i thought it was quiet random n funny but at the time :shock:
God Dannii i cant imagine what id end up doing when i woke up if i ahd a glass baby, i can see why you ha trouble with that one though !! You'd think wed get lovely fairytale, carebear dreams wouldnt you not these bleedin traumas lol
The funnier thing is that i woke up n sat up, OH was still up on the comp, n was like " whats up babe, you ok ?", n i was still thinking he was horrible like in the dream so i said " what the fuck do you care, go and havbe another fag !!!"

He doesnt even smoke bless him, he must have thought :think:

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