If you've got thrush you will need something for your nips, but in the mean while i'd just pop some of the gel on them after a feed. Thrush is small clumps of white stuff in LO's mouth. If your using the Daktarin gel becareful becos its not recommend on LO's under 3 mths. I used it on Cooper before then as we had it but just put a tiny amount on your finger and wipe on tongue. The reason its not recommend on Lo's so young is becos its quite thick and can cover LO's airway meaning they could choke. I got all this info on the net not from doctor. If your boobs are infected with thrush ,which they may not be, but always best to treat the nipple you'll get pains well after the feed deep in your breasts and you could have white bits on your nips. I'd go back to the doctors, or you can speak to your HV to get some proper cream for your nips ( tis a pain as with LO feeding so much you have to clean and make sure all cream gone before feeding.) Hope it cleans soon