My labour and birth story


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2011
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So here it is....its taken me a week to get back on here to write this. I have been overwhelmed with visitors dying to see our little boy.

So my story started on Sunday 30th Oct (6 days overdue) when I woke up around 7am and felt a little water dribble out as I turned over. I quickly went to the bathroom where a little more water came out - My initial thought was is this it?? I was expecting a lot more water.

I woke up my OH who thought I was joking and just trying to get him out of bed on a Sunday morning - he soon realised I wasn't joking!! I wasn't experiencing any pain/ contractions but decided to phone the delivery suite and check with them. I was asked to come in so they could check whether it was my waters. Anyway as I thought I'd be sent straight home so I grabbed my hospital bag (which was half packed as I thought I'd put the last few things in when I was actually in labour! )

I arrived at the hospital where they did an examination to check whether my waters had broken - they confirmed that it was my waters ( I was so pleased I hadn't just wet myself!) The midwife then checked to see the baby's position and he wasn't engaged, she then said I wouldn't be able to go home as there was a risk that the cord would come before the baby. So there I was completely unprepared.

I spent all day in hospital with very mild period pains, by the evening the pains were getting a little worse and over night they were more like bad period pains hence I didn't sleep at all. I hated the fact I couldn't be at home with my OH.

The next morning (31st Oct) my OH came straight to the hospital and I was examined - at this point I was 3cm dilated. I was pleased that things were finally kicking off. I was taken to the delivery suite and the midwife said she would let me labour without being induced to see if things would get going. At this point I was very happy - Hadn't had any pain relief at all.

After 3/4 hours of contractions I was examined again to see if I had progressed. I was still only 3cm.... :-( At this point I was told I would have to go on the drip, I had a couple of paracetamol up to this point and that was it.

All I can say is once on the drip this is when my labour turned into my worse nightmare. They kept increasing the dose every half hour until I was bent over in excrutiating pain with contractions coming almost one after another. I had a dose of pethadine and at this point things became very hazy. I had a lot of pressure and felt like I needed a big poo . Very soon after the pethadine I told the midwife I could no longer cope and asked for an epidural. If you had asked me before my labour if I'd have an epidural I would have said no but it just goes to show you can never plan anything! I wanted a water birth but couldn't as being on the drip means you have to be continually monitored.

Anyway all I can say is the epidural was complete heaven - I was able to relax and calm myself down. From this point getting to 10cm dilated was easy, once fully dilated the midwife said I would have to wait a couple of hours before pushing as the contractions needed to push the baby down a bit more and get him in a better position (I think before this he had been back to back).

Anyway at around midnight I started pushing .....I was pushing for about 1 and a half hours and my little one just didn't want to come out. I was taken to theatre where I was told I would have an instrumental delivery or c-section depending on what was needed. Once in theatre I was examined by the doctor who said she would be able to do a ventouse delivery. Shortly after at 1.53am on 1/11/11 my little boy was born with the help of an episiotomy. As my epidural had been topped up incase I needed a c-section I didn't feel a thing.

After returning from theatre I felt completely exhausted, the epidural took about 8 hours to wear off and my legs were completely numb. I hated this part as I couldn't look after my little boy. I'm pleased to say a week on I feel fine and the pain has almost been forgotten!

I stayed in hosptial until Wednesday evening 2nd Nov so by then I had been in hospital for 4 days, I was so pleased to be home!

Little Jack weighed in at 8lbs 14oz and has only lost 1 oz since his birth. He has been worth every second and we love him to bits.

Good luck to all of you who are still to have your Los
Congrats xxxx I went through the same sort of thing as you but my epidural didn't work and I ended up needing a spinal block, they feel good but I couldn't do a pee after it and ended up having a catheter put in, bet you are glad it's all over now, I know I was :D Jacob was back to back, it's awful xxx
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Massive congrats!! Wow you went through the wars there bless you xxx
can you see the photo on my new ticker??
Congratulations x thank you for sharing your story... He's georgous x
Oh he's beautiful!!!! Well done and congratulations!!

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