My kids r so cute!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2009
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I'm bluntly only in the next room and can hear them chatting lol

Issabelle - "where's mummy gone?!"
Zand - "what where?! Oh no maybe she is outside?"

About 3 mins later
Belle "she isn't outside zander"
Zand - where is she?
Belle - she is in the washing machine and she is going round and round and will come out poorly sick
Zand (pure panic) - aaaaauuugghhh MUMMY!!!!!! Nooooooooo!!!! Quick belle you have to save her
Belle - meh I don't know how will will have to wait till she comes out and I will hang her on the line coz she will be all soaky wet

Lmfao!!!!!! Kids - and gee thanks belle! Lol zand is stood in front of the washing machine doing pat pat pat pat on his knees to try and save me bless him gonna go give him a hug me thinks lol xxxx

Haha better hurry up just Hurd zand say oh no it's raining how will she get dry now lol
ha ha bless! they do make us laugh dont they, it's amazing what they come out with. x
When I told him it's ok I'm here not in the washing machine he had a tear in his eye and a relived "yeeer" and a huge smile :love:
Ah ha ha ha!!!!! What an imagination! Love it! Xx

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They say little things like this all the time love them so much <3
Hahahaha!!!! Aw!!! Kids come out with some right awesome stuff! My niece rushed me into the back of an 'ambleeyance' for a 'hopperation' a while back. But I wasn't allowed any 'anaeseckick' because they ran out... She then proceeded to cut my leg off with a comb..... I wasn't allowed a new leg either :(

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