My instinct and symptoms are off track with my app


New Member
Feb 10, 2020
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Hello all, Newbie here!

I used to be pretty regular with an average 28 day cycle. I had a hormonal coil fitted in October and removed in March. Since then my periods have been all over ranging from 20-45 day cycles. With this the app I use predicts peak fertility to still be a week away. I have started to track my temp and been doing ovulation tests and checking y CM. The results from these to me suggest I ovulated yesterday or today. Any thoughts would be really appreciated. Thanks in advanced

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Ur recent test line does look pretty dark. I'd cover all bases and start doing the deed. Test for ov again though. This pg I got my surge and didn't ov for 2days later. Good luck
If cd15 is today, I would say ovulation with be tomorrow as you usual ovulate between 12 and 48hrs or later. If you are having cycles ranging from 20 to 45 days then you could ovulate between 10 and 31 days as ovulation is usually 14 days before you start your period. Apps will give you a rough date and given how irregular your periods are it is likely to be inaccurate.
Thank you for the replies ladies, we dtd on cycle day 11,13 and 15 so if we carry on every other day and testing to see what happens fingers crossed.

It's only the first month or trying and using the tests/temp checks so trying to figure it all out.

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