My gorgeous little prince is here :-)

Lovely lovely lovely! sit down and enjoy him. they grow up into little monsters! hehe xxx
Wow, your labour sounds perfect! Well done and congratulations! xx
Congratulations Dani! Wow i think our due dates were pretty close....... You have made it seem so real for me :) xxxxx

Yeah I was due 5th oct it was a bit crazy coz I thought I was ready just had a few things to organise like his crib & ironing his little clothes & I didn't get a chance so my poor mum had to run round doing everything coz we weren't that organised lol once your baby is in your arms there's no way you could be without them :-) xx
Thanks ladies he's just perfect I also forgot to mention he was born with a head full of long jet black hair - the double of me when i was born had him weighed today he's lost a bit of weight to be expected my lil dinky man is 6lb 4oz bless him.

My contractions were really fast too when I get round to it I'll do. Birth story but at 5.45am my contractions were 10 mins apart within an hour they were down to 7/6 mins by the time I got the hospital at 9 they were every 3 then once in my room waitin for pool I was every 2 he shot out in 1 push too - my aunty my birthing partner along with my mum described me like a dolphin givin birth lol

Also girls I kept really fit during pregnancy teaching zumba & swimming my stomach was flat straight away & I'm only about 5lbs away from pre preg weight if that helps at all xxx
aww congratulations hon can't wait to see the pics x x
Blimey!! Super quick easy labour!! Well done!! Gorgeous name and a lovely weight :)
Wow your v lucky to have nearly lost all ur baby weight!!! :cheer:

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