My gorgeous Benjamin May - 16th July 2010


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Dec 28, 2009
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Hi everyone!

Just thought I would finally get round to announce the early arrival of my little boy Benjamin May who was born 6 weeks early on the 16th July at 10.12am weighing 5lb 13oz.

I wrote asking for advice on Sunday 11th as my waters had started leaking and everyone said to ring the midwife for advice. I rang on the Monday morning and spoke to an obnoxious woman who said that I would have to wait til Tuesday to speak to someone as I wasn't registered with the doctors practice at that particular practice! I said I am not willing to wait as I'm worried as the leaking had been happening for a couple of days (embarrassingly I thought I was wetting myself so didn't really see the urgency at first). Thankfully someone else rang me back about an hour later telling me to ring Triage at the hospital. I rang them and they told me to go straight in so they could see if the membranes had ruptured.

We went straight after work and when they examined me they said they had started to rupture and they admitted me there and then! It scared me as I wasn't prepared for this and I felt so lost and lonely. My mind was racing with all the things I haven't done and what I need to do...

During that first night stay I got up in the early hours of Tuesday to got o the toilet and as I stood up I felt a large gush between my legs. The midwife came running over and told me I must stay on complete bed rest. She hooked me up to a monitor which showed I was getting contractions (couldn't really feel anything though - just slight backache).

Thankfully the contractions stopped after about four hours but I was told to just rest up. I stayed like this til Thursday. Nothing else happened so they discharged me at about 5.30pm.

I was so looking forward to being at home in my home bed as I had not slept since I went in. The ward is full of women in labour and to be woken in the night with woman groaning and screaming all the time is quite unnerving and scary - especially if you've never gone through it yourself!

By about 10pm that same night, I started to get backache. It was quite a sharp pain but I put it down to just being uncomfortable. I couldn't sleep so I went downstairs to sleep on the sofe so I didn't disturb my fella who was supposed to be up for work early. Throughout the night I couldn't sleep as every 10 minutes I'd get a pain in my back lasting about a minute to a minute and a half. It was only when it got to about half 5 in the morning that I decided this wasn't normal so I phoned the ward who had just discharged me for advice. They said it sounded like labour and to come straight back in. I went and woke my fella up then tried to have a shower!!!

They were coming quite thick and fast but weren't too painful, more uncomfortable really. We got to the hospital at around 7am and I was taken through to Triage. They hooked me up to a moniter and left me for 40 minutes. As all my pain was in my lower back, they sat me in quite an upright position that proved to be too much for me. I ended up ripping the monitors off so I could move around. At that point a doctor came in to examine me as he said my contractions were starting to intensify. He said I was almost 6cm dialated so decided to take me to the delivery suite.

Once in there they asked me if I would like an injection of diamorphine but I said no. Again as I could move around I didn't find the pain too bad to cope with. The midwife gave me gas and air to take the edge off but then I just got an overwhelming urge to start pushing. They couldn't believe I was fully dialated already so the process began.

All I can remember is trying to breathe through the pain. I was getting scared and at this point I started doubting myself that I could do it. All I kept thinking was the pain was gonna get worse - but it never did! Thankfully after about 5 hard pushes my baby boy made an appearance! The cord was tight around his neck so he came out very dark purple. Those few seconds of silence were the scariest I've ever gone through but then to hear him cry - the joy just can't be described!

My Mum and fella were with me the whole way through and they were fantastic. The lady who delivered him was amazing - very calm but strong.

I had a quick hold of him, then passed him to my fella then my Mum then he was whisked away to special care. That was probably the hardest bit of it all - seeing them take my baby away out of the room and being powerless to do anything.

Thankfully I only suffered a slight tear but otherwise I didn't even feel like I had given birth. I thought it'd be painful down below and be a bit stingy but it wasn't. Waited around to be stitched up then had a shower that was heaven. Finally got to see my little boy again about 2 and a half hours later!

They kept me in hospital til Monday night as they were trying to get us both on the mother and baby ward but they wouldn't accept him due to his early arrival - they won't take any baby born under 35 weeks. Was very tearful when I was alone at night. I was in a ward on my own and it let my mind go into overdrive... They discharged me and at least I can get home and start to prepare evrything for his homecoming.

He was quite bruised so has been under the UV light and he had to go on antibiotics for five days as I was diagnosed with Group B Strepp. He also had to have a feeding tube as he struggled a little bit with his liquid intake.

Now exactly a week on my little bundle of joy is off the lights, he's finished his antibiotics and his feeding has improved enormously. Nothing feels real yet at all but life will be perfect when he comes home to us - it's agonising coming home knowing he's still there and others are looking after him instead of us.

Anyone going into Wythenshaw Hospital for their birth should be calm knowing the staff have been fantastic! From the top doctors down to the tea ladies - everyone has made me feel like a proper person instead of a number and they seem to genuinly care.

Thank-you for taking the time to read my story - I'll post some piccies as soon as I can xxx
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Awwww, i'm glad everything turned out well in the end :)

Can't wait to see pics :D
wow! well done you! glad your little one is ok, and glad youre ok! x
Congratulations! Hope Benjamin is well enough to be home with you soon.
huge congrats to you hun really pleased for you and wish little benjamin the speediest of recoverys
Wow, what a surprise. Congrats on your baby boy!!

I also went to Wythenshawe hospital (i'm in Gatley!) and my mw's were lovely!!!

Can't wait to see the pics!! x
Congratulations,glad u and baby are the name little Benjamin is nearly 9 now!! Lol xx
RakRak what a story, you are a superstar. I remember now you posting about leaking; Im so glad that everything is ok, did they give you a reason for why you went so early, do you think it was the GBS?

Massive hugs to you and of course huge congratulations, I can't wait to see a pic of Ben :hug: xxx

Congrats Hun! Hope he's home soon! I've heard such good things about wythenshawe! Never realised you were so close!
Aw that made me well up!! Huge congrats on little Benjamin!! Lovely birth story too x x
Well done RakRak! It sounds like it was scary, happening so soon and all but I'm so pleased that all turned out well in the end. Sounds like you did a fab job!!! Congratulations to you and your new family x :yay:
:yay: thanks for sharing your story! Sounds like a really positive labour experience, very comforting to hear for us lot!

Glad to hear your little bundle is improving so much, its such a shame you werent able to be together in the hospital though. He was a decent weight for his dates though :yay: well done hun!
Loving the name Benjamin! That's gonna be the name for our LO if he/she is a boy :love:

Glad you had a pretty straightforward birth! Hope he's out of SCBU soon! :) Congratulations!! :yay:
They never give me a specific reason as to why I went into labour early, think it was just one of those things. Don't really understand what Group B Strepp is - just know it's not good!

Hopefully my story has taken away some of the scarier stuff that is around. Thanks for all your lovely comments though - they mean alot xxx
^^ Rosies Mummy has been looking into the Group B Strep thingy. Its quite common apparently. Not sure on the details though, just glad theyve found it and treated your little boy quickly! :)
Wow!!! U were so brave, what a story u had to tell!! :) xxxx
well i was terrified of labour until i read this it made it sound so much better
congrats on your little boy x x x

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