My Good News


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2008
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Hey guys

Just thought i'd share my good news with everyone, done my wee test last nite and hey its positive -IM PREGNANT. So after my 1st attempt it appears i've been a very lucky girl and hit the jackpot 1st time around.....I was so shocked, i nearly dropped :lol:

This is where it gets scary for me :)
This is my 1st time you see so i don't know what to expect and its all a little daunting and frighening, as well as very exciting too...

So there you all go...
Thanks for all your tips and advice.
:cheer: congratulations and have a great pregnancy xx
Congrats your definately one of the lucky ones, you must be uber fertile! Good luck!
Jaidy said:
Congrats your definately one of the lucky ones, you must be uber fertile! Good luck!

My fella reckons he's got ultra top quality sperm :lol: :lol: :lol: :rotfl: share your fertility lol :cheer:
wow congratulations - how lucky are you?? :D :dance:

any symptoms at the mo? how did you tell the oh?

well done mummy-to-be!! :hug: :hug:

Hi Kate

Na, no symptoms at all but now that i know that i'm pregnant i just mite create a few imaginery ones, get the oh to look after me even more :lol: ..
Well i was watchin tele last nite and my oh was away to the shop so i decided i'd do a wee sneaky test while he was gone, so it was sitting up on top of the fire place....So i left it for the 5mins, meanwhile he lands home and we continue to watch t.v. I got up lifted it and i swear to god, i nearly dropped, i just turned around to him and he looked at me, and he didn't believe me at 1st - i mean even the best actor in world could not have acted that was unreal, i couldn't speak for 5mins, see i didn't think it'd work 1st time around if i'm honest so thats why i was so shocked, plus the reality of being pregnant instead of talking about it hit me and i got v scared, but i'm sure i'll get used to the idea.
I think it'l take another few weeks i'd say before i start to get any feelings, i'm hoping i don't get morning sickness though....

So what about you, have you any kids ?
Thanks for the reply btw...

xxKateBxx said:
wow congratulations - how lucky are you?? :D :dance:

any symptoms at the mo? how did you tell the oh?

well done mummy-to-be!! :hug: :hug:


nope, like you I am currently trying to have my first (although you obviously aren't trying anymore!!). Its only my first cycle too and I am the worlds most impatient ttcer! Still waiting to ovulate, would be over the moon if like you it happened the first month.

Don't you think its funny how open we all are on this forum? It's like, hi, my name is Kate, - I'm not ovulating yet by the way :rotfl: Oh, and can I just ask you about my cervical mucus? :rotfl: Can you imagine if we did this to strangers in real life!! :rotfl:

I deffo think you should invent some pretend symptoms, i've already told my hubby that I can have nothing to with the cat litter tray at the moment (which is to an extent true) :lol: I've also said that I need to be well rested if I am going to concieve so he might need to do a bit more around the house :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: I'm sooo mean!

Oh hilarious, you just give me a wee giggle there in work, the girl i work with looked over at me there - i haven't told anyone yet, though as u'd expect i want to stand on the roof and shout....but no i will keep it my little secret for a while yet....
You know tat is very true, its so weird the discussions that we all have on here, imagine the men coming on and reading half of it, they'd be intrigued :lol:

Talking about symptoms, i said being stressed out means it could affect my chances of becoming pregnant and i don't need any house related stress, or heavy ironing etc....i did torture him a little but it was all the fun of it - i think it was
in one ear and out the other....
But if anyone had seen us when we had done the deed, and me lying elevated almost vertically upside down with 5pillows underneath me so nothing could escape - twas v funny indeed but it worked none the less.....

So how long have you been ttc - im not very good still at this shorthand here, this is about the only one i know :lol:
Have you tried any of that medicine stuff they talk about on here?? I had a wee go at that too for a week or so, not nice but worth it.


xxKateBxx said:

nope, like you I am currently trying to have my first (although you obviously aren't trying anymore!!). Its only my first cycle too and I am the worlds most impatient ttcer! Still waiting to ovulate, would be over the moon if like you it happened the first month.

Don't you think its funny how open we all are on this forum? It's like, hi, my name is Kate, - I'm not ovulating yet by the way :rotfl: Oh, and can I just ask you about my cervical mucus? :rotfl: Can you imagine if we did this to strangers in real life!! :rotfl:

I deffo think you should invent some pretend symptoms, i've already told my hubby that I can have nothing to with the cat litter tray at the moment (which is to an extent true) :lol: I've also said that I need to be well rested if I am going to concieve so he might need to do a bit more around the house :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: I'm sooo mean!


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