My Good News

:rotfl: got a great mental image of you there, pillows under a*se!!!!

this is my first month, but I've been waiting to try for 3 years now (if that makes any sense). time seems to go sooo slowly when you're trying to concieve.

how does it feel, knowing there is a little thing growing inside of you - that would freak me out big time, but in a nice way if you know what I mean :think:

I take it you are scottish??? with the frequent use of the word 'wee' :lol: :)

My goodness i didn't realise that i said wee so much lol, no i'm irish, from ireland :)
Funny enough that you should ask how i feel now that there is a little thing inside me - see i i actually felt strange last nite when i sat back and thought about that, it was very weird but as you said in a nice kinda way, i've just been conscious all day about it, can't get it out of my mind, i'm sure this will ease though, the novelty will pass slightly i can imagine, until i start to see a wee bump forming....just hope its not tooooo big :lol:
The only thing that I feel a bit bad about is, my sister has been ttc as well, well she hasn't told me personally, her oh told my other sister thru a drunken chat and they're having a few problems, i'm sure it will come to her eventually, its just now that i got there straight away, i kinda feel bad for her if u get me.... :think:
but what can i do.....i'm gona just try and enjoy this as much as i can until all the symptoms bite me in the butt...... :lol:

xxKateBxx said:
:rotfl: got a great mental image of you there, pillows under a*se!!!!

this is my first month, but I've been waiting to try for 3 years now (if that makes any sense). time seems to go sooo slowly when you're trying to concieve.

how does it feel, knowing there is a little thing growing inside of you - that would freak me out big time, but in a nice way if you know what I mean :think:

I take it you are scottish??? with the frequent use of the word 'wee' :lol: :)

ah irish, sorry, bit presumptuous of me :oops: :)

Sorry to hear your sister has had troubles, and can understand it must feel a little awkward but hun you don't deserve it any less just because it happened straight away :hug:

What you said earlier about the abbreviations on here made me giggle, when i first came on this forum I thought everyone was talking absolute gobbledegook, and then I read back one of my posts the other day and thought ha! I am now talking in the language too!! :lol: :lol:

hopefully you'll be one of those women who 'love' being pregnant and who go all glowy, and don't get one iota of morning sickness!! I've always hoped I'd be one of those. Have you got your palmers cocoa butter to start rubbing into your tummy!! apparently its never too early! :lol:

Whats this about palmers??? Oh do tell kate :lol:
I've had to do nothing this evening, dinner was made for me, twas great , long may this continue . . .
So when are you ovulating next then ?

Lou xx

xxKateBxx said:
ah irish, sorry, bit presumptuous of me :oops: :)

Sorry to hear your sister has had troubles, and can understand it must feel a little awkward but hun you don't deserve it any less just because it happened straight away :hug:

What you said earlier about the abbreviations on here made me giggle, when i first came on this forum I thought everyone was talking absolute gobbledegook, and then I read back one of my posts the other day and thought ha! I am now talking in the language too!! :lol: :lol:

hopefully you'll be one of those women who 'love' being pregnant and who go all glowy, and don't get one iota of morning sickness!! I've always hoped I'd be one of those. Have you got your palmers cocoa butter to start rubbing into your tummy!! apparently its never too early! :lol:

you are suppposed to rub palmers cocoa butter into your belly every day to prevent stretchmarks, an old wives tale? quite possibly!! :lol:

Don't even talk to me about ovulating!!! :wall: :wall: I have been waiting since CD9 and it is now CD16 and still nothing. First month off the pill though so don't know where my cycle is, just hope it happens soon its driving me crazy!!!! I've always been a 'regular' kinda girl but 10 yrs on the pill may have bug*ered that up. Say I ovulate on CD19/19, that means I've got a 32 day cycle - thats too long!!!!!!!!!!!

Its snowing here in surrey by the way!! Do you live In Ireland now?

wow congrats you really are lucky, hope some of that luck rubs off onto the rest of us :D
32 Days - :doh:

Yes I live in sunny Ireland :roll: weather is always horrible, it snowed here yesterday quite heavy but didn't lie, it was lovely, i have to say i'm
a sucker when it comes to snow, out with the gloves and building wee snow mans (there i go again with the wee :lol: ) but its been a long long
time since i can remember being able to do that.....
Its 1 degree here and the minute and absolutely oh is taking me to spain for new yr eve, so im hoping the weather will be nicer than here
although we were there last year too and it was quite blowy, but hey, anything beats the ice cold wind ! !

Well, i have to go to the bank now to do some business lodgements, and guess what boots is nxt door - TIME FOR THE PALMERS :) ...

Talk soon
Lou x

xxKateBxx said:
you are suppposed to rub palmers cocoa butter into your belly every day to prevent stretchmarks, an old wives tale? quite possibly!! :lol:

Don't even talk to me about ovulating!!! :wall: :wall: I have been waiting since CD9 and it is now CD16 and still nothing. First month off the pill though so don't know where my cycle is, just hope it happens soon its driving me crazy!!!! I've always been a 'regular' kinda girl but 10 yrs on the pill may have bug*ered that up. Say I ovulate on CD19/19, that means I've got a 32 day cycle - thats too long!!!!!!!!!!!

Its snowing here in surrey by the way!! Do you live In Ireland now?

Oh and by the way ladies, i'll sprinkle a little irish lucky charm over the boards


:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Lou xx
morning lou,

did you get your palmers :lol:

Got a faint line on an ov test just now so hoping the eggy is on its way! Cheers for your irish luck, think i'm gonna need it!!!!

Yaye- get him home immediately and get working :lol:
Ya know what - the snow is that heavy here i couldnt get into town had to turn and come home.....

I was just thinking too, the more u read up on here, the more u fret urself out i think, although lots of people have experienced
different things, i read just a while ago about getting a negative positive result and i was like WAT :pray: , but my period was due on sat past and still nothing, but in the back of my mind i'm thinkn emmmmmm should i try another, but i have made my apointment with the doc and have to go on fri @ 4 so we'll soon see, im gona try and not fret about it !
So hopefully tonite lady u will be having ur fun and p.s. don't forget the cushions :lol:

Loopy Lou :lol:

xxKateBxx said:
morning lou,

did you get your palmers :lol:

Got a faint line on an ov test just now so hoping the eggy is on its way! Cheers for your irish luck, think i'm gonna need it!!!!

hee hee :lol: covered all bases this morning actually!! Don;t have to worry now until tomorrow night. Saying that, god knows if I am actually ov-ing or not :roll:

You are so restrained!! I would have tested a million times by now if it were me, I'm gong to have a rainbow of pregnancy tests when i finally get a positive!!

Well I better be the 1st to hear now when you get a positive - ya hear me :lol:

I'll let u know how i get on at docs.....
mind u i have a million and one things to do before that happens, HALLOWEEN PARTY :roll: , but if this snow doesn't melt there'll not be much to worry about :D

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