my friends baby


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2005
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My friends has had her baby yesterday.
Erin chloe was born 9.05 am and weighed 7lb 15oz she has to be the cutest baby I have ever seen. And my friend looks the picture of health a real yummy mummy. I looked terrible after i had my son i dont know how she done it. SHe phoned me an hour ago crying that her nipples were to big for the babys mouth and i tried not to giggle (not being nasty but thats something we giggled about when we were 13 and saw my aunt breat feeding) and advised her to express some milk tonight and speak to the midwife in the morning for advice.
I really want a baby my self and am not jealous but we were pregnant together (she was 12 or so weeks ahead of me) and i feel i should be big and fat and waddeling lol.
Lets just say "aunty" Pam will be spoiling baby Erin.
I dont expect any replies just wanted to share the good news.
Pam xxx
im going to reply :wave:

awww erin sounds loverly say congrats to ur friend from me

itll be ur turn soon hun
Thanks to you both

Hope it is my time soon, cant wait to have a baby. i have just started a 2 year course to become a nursery nurse may even progress on to become a health visitor.
Feeling sorry for her at the min, her baby is a bit jaundice and her baby seems really hungry as well so she has been giving her boiled water cooled down and her midwife told her off saying that they baby doesnt need water, which sent my friend off crying saying she must be a terrible mum, I hope i have done the right thing telling her to follow her instincts and that baby's do get thirsty and that water helps jaundic. (its what i have done with my son and what i have learnt in college plus her aunt is a midwife and told her to give the baby water) I have also told her to ask for another midwife if this one isnt being helpful at all. all she is doing is upsetting her. Am going to see her tomorrow i have been trying to give her settling in time, but think she is in need of girly chat.

Thanks again
From a very happy "AUNTY" Pam hehe xx
Congrats on the arrival :D

im only early preg, but i wouldnt have throught abit of water would hurt aslong as its sterelized :?
HI congtrats on your pregnancy

I think she just got a really grumpy midwife, hopefully she can change her midwife. And we know the sterilized water wont hurt the baby, they must get thirsty but she sent my friend into such a spin. She is letting me go round wednesday to see her and the baby (been giving her bonding time coz when you first have a baby nobody leaves you alone hehe)
Good lucj with the rest of your pregnancy
Pam x

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