My friend has had a very premature baby


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2010
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I made friends with a girl in hospital who was the only other long stayer like me. She was only 24 weeks pregnant and was basically on complete bed rest because she had a weak cervix. They tried to do that operation where they put a stitch in but couldn't do it for some reason.

On the day I was discharged she told me her waters had broken the night before which I knew was not a good sign at all and I've been keeping in touch with her daily as she's really been on my mind. Anyway now the baby has come, a week after her waters broke and she was just over 25 weeks pregnant. She just sent me a text saying she'd had a little girl called Daisy and she is very fragile and small and they are hoping for the best. I know baby's can survive at that prematurity and I just hope to God she does, but I guess she has a long road ahead and will just have to take it one day at a time. I feel so much for her and am greatful that despite my problems with low placenta, my baby is still growing inside me! xxxx
That's awful but I'm glad to hear the baby is ok for the moment. I'll keep my fingers crossed for her and keep little baby Daisy in my thoughts.

My friend had twins at 27weeks in December each weighed a little over 2.5lbs and both are now doing well and came home this week.
Awe poor her give her my love she will be in my prayers x
Hope everything works out well for your friend and little Daisy. They can do amazing stuff in special care and even at 25 weeks she has a very good chance, but yes you're right she will have a very long road ahead. It feels like Tomos is still a newborn baby, he looks like one and weighs about the same as one but he's 3months old.
Oh bless her :-( I do hope all goes well and that daisy goes from strength to strength xx
Yes it's hard to know what to do - I've only known her for a couple of weeks so I can't get too involved, have to leave her to it really and just text her to let her know I'm thinking of her. I know they can do amazing things in special care now but also it really could go either way at this premature was Tomos mablestarr? He is tiny bless him! xx
My niece was very prem. She was born at 32 weeks, but had stopped developing at 24 wks so it was as though she had been born then. She was 1lb 12oz and spent 6 weeks in the special care unit. Lots of very scary touch and go moments as you would expect, but the staff and care she received was outstanding and she is now a happy and healthy 4 yr old. She's still quite little, but I suppose she'll be grateful of this when she's 18 and a size 8!

I hope your friend and her baby are ok, I'm sure all will be fine. Just make sure you tell her to talk about how she's feeling, especially with her partner, as the pressure on parents is unbelievable and they need to be there for each other as much as poss, well that was how it was for my brother and his partner anyway. Lots of love xxx
awww Poor wee baba, that must be so hard. My friend text me a few weeks ago saying her friend gave birth at 26 weeks, he's still in Hospital but apparently doing well. Hope things go ok for her and daisy

Aww, bless her....but you hear so many good stories about survival, and she made it past the 'magic' 24 weeks.
I know how you feel, its like each week that goes past is a blessing really, that they are still in there, and growing away :)
Tomos was born at 30+6 but similar to Loulabelles niece he had stopped growing at around 24 weeks and weighed just unde 2lb when he was born. But size isn't everything as the longer they are in the womb the more their lungs etc develop so it must be really scary times for your friend.

It must be tough to know what to do or say to her, and I know I had days when I was very touchy and no matter what anyone said I'd just get upset or annoyed or whatever, but then there were other days when I just needed a break and so would meet up for a quick lunch or a coffee with a friend just to do something a little different. Sounds like you're being a good friend though just keeping in touch and letting her know youre thinking of her. xxx
Someone on my facebook had her baby at 27 weeks and he did really well, came home for New Year then they all got Swine Flu and he was back in hospital but he's home again now and doing really well - so another positive story for a very early baby. My thoughts and best wishes go out to her though, it must be so worrying and scary - hope little Daisy goes from strength to strength.
Well she had the steroid injections to strengthen baby's lungs while she was resting in hospital so maybe that will make all the difference xx
I believe those steroid injections make a hell alot of difference, i had my son at 33 weeks and he only spent 5 days in scbu which is amazing and that was only for anti biotics through a drip that he was in there that long,he breathed by himself, so that is a positive thing, these little ones can shock us sometimes on how fast they come along. i really do wish her the best, all you can do is let her know you are there, as she will probably feel close to you as you both shared someting other people did not, and that was special time together that no one else understands unless they been through it, i am stll good friends with a girl i met in hospital 7 years ago we were both going through the same kind of thing being stuck in hospital pregnant for a long time.

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