Think my friend is lying :( updated

I'm not sorry it's made me realise she is not worth it. I'm concentrating on little miss, OH and myself that is all that matters now. Have a scan in 2 hours so excited about that x
henry the 8ths wife probably had a molar pregnancy, its a type of tumor thingy that produces hgc and grows in the womb.
What an awful thing to lie about, many poor people are actually miscarring and are devastated and she's just lying for attention. I hope for her and her oh's sake she can sort herself out but your better off without her xx
That's disgusting! Does her oh know? He deserves to know imo.

thats horrible....apparently these things are far more common than we thought though as i have a story!

When i found out i was pregnant with J i was in uni and newly married and terrified so i called my best friend at the time (maid of honour at my wedding everything) and told her i was pg but wasnt sure what the bloody hell to do. I was in tears on the phone to her and she said 'my periods late i think i am as well' so i said omg take a test, just get it over with and find out, and she said she would. I called her everysingle day for 2 weeks (bearing in mind oh and i had just found out we were pg and PETRIFIED) and then on the second week i called her and said phil and i are gonna do this and i asked if she had POAS yet and she said (almost word for word) 'why would i my periods not late yet?? its due tomorrow'

I was disgusted that she tried to turn the attention on to her ! so maybe she was doing it for attention? saw what you were getting etc and wanted it for herself esp as she had a mc?? xxx
henry the 8ths wife probably had a molar pregnancy, its a type of tumor thingy that produces hgc and grows in the womb.

That sounds about right what i read, but back then they will have blamed her and said god took it away or something.
Oh i'm sorry to read the update, and you were very brave to call her on it. Good on you though, you don't need someone who would manipulate the man she supposedly loves around you with your little one. I wouldn't trust a word she said after this and thats not exactly basis for a good friendship! Lets hope she learns something from this! xx
It never ceases to amaze me just how low some people can go... :(.
You'd never be able to trust her again as a a friend, such a shame she ruined the friendship.
well done for confronting her, at least now you can move on from it & from her. she doesnt sound like someone you want to be friends with. the fact that she was lying and reading other peoples stories has made me more suspicious my friend is lying. mummy2b19 thats interesting you got such an early picture- i thought i had heard of people having earlier pictures. its hard to believe that she wouldnt at 14 weeks :/ im just trying to not let it get to me, and just look forward to Lilys arrival x x x
I will try and post the pic on here tomorrow for u im not very good with tecnology tho lol xxx
I honestly am so shocked ! Who would do that??

And I have heard of phantom pregnancies, but I only heard of it in pack animals, the male would only mate with the best female genetically but several others would go through the process, even have bellies and all other pregnancy traits, so that they can all help feed the babies! It even happens these days in puppy breeders.
Believe it or not I know 3 ppl who have lied about being pregnant, saying they have had a misscarriage. Its kinda sad in a way. I suppose its easy to do.

I also know someone who told others they are pg only when they've missed a period & had a few symptoms & not even took a test & it turns out they not pg & say they had a misscarriage.

I can't believe its so common, to pretend to have scans etc, I mean from the original story on this thread, its clear for another pregnant woman to see she would be lying, I mean you have to see midwife for her to book scan, and also I wouldnt cancel a scan, I would be too excited! Sleep in waiting room lol!

Littlemiss yes my sil we think has had this, thought she was pg cos she felt she was, then when period comes she says she had mc

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