My first sweep

xx emma xx

Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2010
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So had my mw appontment today and got a different mw from the last time. She said she will see where baby is lying and if baby is not engaged she wont do the sweep, luckily he was in a good position.
I didnt know what to expect with the sweep, think mines took longer than it should have. She said my cervix was a bit prosterior and she was struggling to reach it, she gave it a good 4 tries and on the last managed a finger tip lol. So she has done something but probably not as successful as it could have been. There was a show on gloves when she was done which she said is good but not sure if she was just trying to make me feel better lol. Ive had horrible browny discharge as soon as i got home and all crampy and sore which is normal i suppose.

On the engaged part of notes it said fixed, does that mean fully engaged?
Im booked in for my next appointment on thursday and will get another sweep and date for induction if i havent had him by then. Sorry for blabbing on. Ive nobody else to tell this to since OH is at work haha x
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I don't know what firm means on the engaged part. If there's a term I don't understand I google it! Lol. Glad the sweep was ok, cramps and horrid discharge are normal. Keep mobile for a couple of hours then crash with lots if chocolate! :)
Hahaha i feel like sitting and stuffing my face just now. Think ill have a bounce on the ball for a while then im having chilli for dinner. If that doesnt work nothing will :rofl: xx
I'm wondering if firm means your cervix? Sometimes they record how your cervix feels soft, medium or firm?

Hopefully the next time you have your sweep your cervix will be more favourable.
Glad it went ok. I've still got some brown discharge which MW says is completely normal.
Lets hope she managed to do enough to get things moving for you. x
Oh no wait ive just read my notes again, im a total idiot, it says 'fixed' not fiirm haha im going mad.x
I hope something happens for you. At lot of people seem to have reddy brown discharge and cramps after a sweep. I don't think firm relates to baby being engaged.

Hello Pink Panther!!

Oh and she said my cervix was soft, that can only be a good thing eh x
I hope something happens for you. At lot of people seem to have reddy brown discharge and cramps after a sweep. I don't think firm relates to baby being engaged.

Hello Pink Panther!!


fixed sounds like engaged :)

lets hope all you may mummies go soon too
I googled it and it sounds like it means engaged. Yay some of that bouncing must have worked x
Hope it works for you. I just put up a threat asking about sweeps so. I'm glad I read this!

ah glad it went well... hope it does something.. mine seems to have just given my period pains and cramps, a bloody discharge and a bit of a blood clot earlier today came out! Starting to feel the cramps going away now though so who knows!!!
Treeze I only had pains earlier and I only have slight back pain. Not getting any more show now either. Ah well maybe I'll have better luck next week xx

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