My first Open University Tutorial tonight - scared!


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2007
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Got my first OU tutorial at 7pm - I'm so scared!

I've been out of education since oct 2005 since I had first miscarriage & decided uni wasn't right for me. Had ectopic in October last year and decided that now the time is right for me to carry on... and I don't think I'm ready now!! I'm SO disorganised, not done the reading set for this week yet or anything :(

Can't drop out now once I've paid for it! Also found out THIS MORNING that there's an all day study meet on saturday that I really should be going to - but I'm meant to be away with my OH helping him finish decorate the house he's been working on for months. Don't know what to do and I'm panicking!

I'm truly crap!

Has anyone done/doing OU here & got past this initial craziness? I just feel like its not gonna come together!

Yes - I did 3 years :D

I felt like this at the beginning of every year - it always takes a while to settle into a routine and it always feels overwhelming at first. Enjoy it, relax and take it for what it is- you wanting to develop and just learn something new :D
I completed my first year of my degree in Oct and I was terrified when I started (had been out of education for 10 years), but soon got into it.

Haven't signed up for new course yet, will probably wait till next Oct to given me chance to get baby sorted in routine.

What course are you doing? Lots of luck for tonight, you will be fine and will really enjoy it :D
ive just signed up to start a course in oct 08, child vevelopment degree, whats every one else doing?
I did sociology last year but in the end hope for a psychology degree, sociology got a bit boring towards the end.
thanks for all your replies :wave:

it was actually ok! Tutor was really nice, turns out we don't HAVE to go to this saturday thing and almost noone in the tutorial group was able to make it, & there'll be notes from it available afterwards.

This course is "Understanding Social CHange", it's the foundation course they recommend cos I want to carry on for a degree in psychology ultimately. We shall see!

Was SO embarrassed though - my OH is doing same course as me at the moment as it's also recommended for foundation course in Economics which is what he wants to do, so we sat together & when the tutor walked in he was like "well you 2 are obviously related - brother and sister?"

:oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:

Like no - we live together!!!!!!!!!! Mortified!

I did that course years ago :D I enjoyed it and went on to study social policy.
Well done on making it through the first step - you'll be fine now!

I started a masters with the OU last February and was convinced I wasn't good enough and that I'd bomb out. It's definitely hard work (esp with a full time job) but I passed my first course no problems and I'm just about to start the second - all the worries are now resurfacing!

Best of luck elviedee xxxx
Hey! I'm doing the same course and have just started and i had my first tutorial yesterday too! I'll PM you :)

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