My first feeding question


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2011
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Ok so am breast feeding Harry and today is day 3. Milk has def started to come in as boobs are massive

He's been having some quite big feeds but getting some wind so have been trying to break him off the boob every 5 mins or so to wind him

Is this the right thing to do?

Also he has fallen asleep on the boob a few times but if I Try to put him down he gets a bit fractious.

Have just left him now after he's come off the boob lying on his side on my breastfeeding pillow next to me so I don't disturb him. Will this be ok too?

The doubts are creeping in xx
Congratulations! If he needs winding, wind him I don't remember my LO needing much at that age but when he fussed I'd wind, obviously every baby is different. Tyler would always fall asleep, I'd feed him on my feather bed pillow so if he fell asleep I could hand the pillow over to OHs lap to get a break (and stretch my legs) as long as your keeping an eye on him everything will be fine :) enjoy it as they start to be more awake eventually lol! Hope you've stocked up on your lanisonah too!

Sounds like you're doing a great job! I only wind K if she comes off the breast herself. I never unlatch her unless she isn't latched well, but she isn't very windy. If he falls asleep when he isn't done eating you may want to undress him, tickle his feet and rub a cold washcloth on him to keep him awake. If you think he falls asleep because he is satisfied, I would let him sleep. I let K sleep on her nursing pillow all the time :) In the early days they eat very often, so make sure you are comfy and have lots of water and snacks at arm's reach! Xx
I wake Tilly by tickling feet or blowing on her if shes not had enough. I don't unlatch to wind just when she comes off herself.

I found it rough when the milk came in, she was headbutting me and not latching properly so I was really grateful the breastfeeding support lady came that day. She showed me how to express a bit off to make it easier for baby.

You kind of gently massage your boobs with a hot flannel and then squeeze around the nipple to get a bit off. It will really help you this if your boobies are too engorged.

Well done btw!!
Congratulations! I never really wind Kynon either unless he gets all fidgety during a feed. He sleeps a lot on me while bf most bf babies do, infact he's just having a sleepy feed on me now! What's important the first few days is to let him suckle as much as he wants and just chill out and go with it, this time is important to get your supply going and great for bonding and skin to skin. Once they fully drop off I used to put Kynon into his carry cot carefully. Sit back and enjoy some trashy films while you feed x

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Thanks ladies. Think we now may have a bit if an issue with colic or something?

Upset on his back and drawing his legs up to tummy? Crying away and won't settle
Sounds like wind. I found walking about with Kynon up onto my shoulder used to help bring it up at that age if the normal winding methods are not working.

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