My edited messages


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2005
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Suffering from pregnancy paranoia but just wanted to let people know that the reason all my messages have been edited recently is because I can't type anymore (brain gone) and half the time they look like this:

ehllo ym naem si Lousie

and I don't notice until they're posted :doh: . Nothing sinister just stupid.
:lol: I know what you mean, I have to preview mine first......I am terrible chatting on MSN too, it is awful, what's going on?!

Tam x
I'm the same, am usually feeding Seren and its not til I've posted that I see how awful it is lol
iv gone past the stage of caring lol iv never been able to spell

maybe a spell check on here would help :lol:
i dont even think most of us notice any more i think we are all used to it and have got good at deciphering (sp) what everyone is trying to say lol think we all do it :oops: xxxxxxxx
If anyone speaks to me on MSN they will know I am the worlds worst speller! Pregnancy hormones or not :lol: I go back and edit almost ALL my posts coz I mess them up :lol:
Phew! Was worried in case people thought I was tyoing something dodgy and changing it later.

I'm mental.
Im so glad im not the only one, I was worried people would wonder why I keep editing my messages. I cant spell either. With the big words I google them for the right spelling lol :oops:
I thought it was about time you were all told - IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT - there's little keyboard faiiries that move the wiring around in the night. You're typing properly, but the little buggers make it go wrong
ahahaha! makes me feel better about myself as well! :lol:

I usually edit mine once they've been posted! :wink:

Mel xx
Have, after every post i make on here I always have to edit them because of spelling mistakes or typo's


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