My due date! :-(


Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2013
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As the title says, it's my due date of my first angel baby!

I honestly don't know how I'm feeling today, I'm all over the place but it hasn't helped that my cat got hit by a car this morning so been running around to the vets etc for X-rays before work!

What a day! I guess I'm a Bit distracted right now but I know underneath I'm angry that today I should be having a baby, not just trying for one!

I just had to vent a little bit there, sorry it's a bit random! On top of all this, I've had a very close friend tell me she's now expecting! I'm so happy for her but she fell pregnant within a week of seeing her new fella.....A WEEK????!!! Starting to wonder what's wrong with me?

Thanks for listening/reading! I just can't wait for today to be over! :-( x
Oh no you poor thing, what an awful day for you!

I know the due dates always hard enough without something happening to your pets too. is your cat okay?

I know what you mean about other people getting pregnant easily. I've known a few people who've got pregnant and since losing my bean two and a half years ago theres always a bit of me that is jealous and resentful about it even though I know I shouldn't be.

when was your loss? ive found its got a lot easier this year, mine was on 8th jan and this year its the third year and I obviously thought about it but I wasn't moping around like the previous two years! the first year I just cried all day!

I think it helps that im ttc now as well :)

I really hope you get your bfp soon! :) big hugs

Due dates are the worst.

I found that I actually felt relieved when my first one passed.

Be kind to yourself, do something nice (cook a nice dinner, have a glass of wine). Your angel wouldn't want you to be sad.

I hope your cat is OK?

Due dates are hso hard!! Take care! Xx
Thank you all! Sorry for my late reply! Firstly, my cat is fine, just badly bruised, nothing was broken thank goodness! (Well, nothing apart from my bank balance! Lol!)

As for me, I got through yesterday and now I feel a million times better! I was only 8 weeks when I mc but that was the same for both my first and second mc! I guess I'll be dreading when I do get pregnant again that it's going to happen again but I'm also thinking third time lucky for me! :)

Anyway, I've never been the type of person to get down about things and I know there are so many other women struggling with fertility etc and this is why I love this forum so much! Everyone on here has there own story and they're all happy to share it and support everyone! Xxx
I'm glad your cats okay! I bet it cost a lot for xrays etc. My hamster was ill once and they were going to charge over a hundred pound for the call out because it was late at night and then a further 50 for antibiotics and told me she'd probably pass away anyway. She passed away literally after I got off the phone to them so wouldn't off been happy if I'd payed the 150 quid. They're just so expensive!

Glad you feel a lot better, its always a relief once the day has passed! :) Third time lucky! fingers crossed you get pregnant again soon :)

Yeah it's great that people have so many different stories on here and you always get support xxx
Well, my cat is fine, it cost me £160 for the X-rays! I think I'm in the wrong job! Lol!

I'm feeling back to normal now! I'll always remember that day but at least I know I shouldn't get down about something that was out of my control!

Thanks for the support! Xxx
glad your cat is fine and that your feeling a lot better :D

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