My doppler arrived this morning.


Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2007
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GOD it was hard finding the beat! I'm so glad I waited until now but when I did find it - bloody hell, it was loud and clear!

I got my own pulse so many times to start with and even counted the beats in a fit of wishful thinking but once's I found the baby's there was NO mistaking it.

I can't believe the doppler is mine and I can go back and listen whenever I want - it so damn cool.

I am really glad I waited though, I think I might have been really worried rtrying it before my scan.
How fast was the baby's? Flump is always between 155-160. :D
Yay!!! I found mine yesterday! It took me ages too! I didnt count the babies heartbeat but it was so much faster than my own. Unmistakable!
Its so exciting!

Oooh, mine has the digital display to show the fetal heart rate..
I was too busy ringing hubby and thinking ahhhhhhh.... to measure the rate!

Mind you it was so cool to be able to ring hubby and let him hear because he left for work so early this morning.

I suppose I ought to measure it really - oh well, I'll just have to haul my ass off for a second listen! :rotfl:
ah i want one
i went to antenatal today and asked if they listen to babys heart beat for me, she said no, not untill 24 weeks as its hard to find, so we end up worrying mums, so we'd rather wait.

well then, ebay it is im buying one!
Go for it!! At 17 weeks I think your midwife's a wimp (but don't tell her she might beat me up!!).

I'm glad I waited till week 13 and it still took ages to find but when I got it it was LOUD and very clear.

I got the ex rental 'hi bebe' off ebay for £50. As far as I can see the second hand ones sell for about the same but don't have the one year warranty. Hi bebe was the one I heard best things about but there are some cheapies I've heard are rubbish.

Which brand is yours Debbie?

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