My Daughter is soo excited! Are your children?

JJ Mum

Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2010
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Hi ladies,

My daughter is soo excited now for baby's arrival! (She is 8 1/2 now ).

She made me open a pack of nappies I had ready for Devon, as she wanted one for her baby, and spent all of sunday carrying around her larger than a newborn Chico doll in the baby born baby carry she discovered washed and ready in the cot!

(My sister gave it to me and it looks much better than the one I used to have back in 2002! - I think I shall be fighting my daughter for it tho!!

Anyone else's other children getting excited or realising what is about to happen too?:dance:
my boys are not bothered
but my girls keep crossing their fingers its a girl they dont want another brother lol i keep telling them if its a boy we have to keep it, my eldest 10 has already asked for it to share a room with her
Aww! My OHs boys are fairly excited, one more than the other (they're 9 and 11). They're just fed up of waiting now! One of them gave me a big hug at the weekend, then said 'squeeze the baby out'! If the baby doesn't come by Thursday they're not going to see it until next week as they're spending Christmas with their Mum and they're not staying locally but meeting up with family down south :(
:) I dont have other children but I can still remember how your daughter felt jj mum! I was 10 nearly 11 when my little borther was born and I was at the hospital when he was born I gave him his first ever bottle :) I am like a second mother to him (Im sure I get on his teenage nerves now) I was soexcited when he was born and my mum got me involved with everything from changing to bathing him and I loved every single minute of it - its going to be so nice for you jj the age gap is great my oldest brother was 16 when the youngest was born and we are all so close and such good friends
Awww bless her! :)
My little boy is alot younger, 19 1/2 months, but he will lift my top up and say 'baby' and give my tummy a kiss, then say 'bye babeeeee', wave, pull my top down and crawl off :cloud9:
He also helped me put away all of the babys clothes and stuff :)
Ahh Midnight, funny having to warn the girls if you have a boy - you have to keep it! ha

Mrs S- thanks , sounds like you and your siblings have a lovely relationship with the huge age gaps too, maybee Devon and my kids will get a good bond too

Lily- lovely when little ones pull up your top! My eldest even drew a C-section line on his tum in pen one year, he was so proud when he showed me! (got a photo somewhere, have to dig it out)

Indigo - really hope your baby makes an apperance before thursday - so the boys can see hum/her before they go to mums for xmas
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