My cat needs help!


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2007
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Before i boot her and remove her teeth :twisted:

I know its natural instinct forher to kill mice and she brings them in as presents but the amount she is briging in is rediculous and sickning as well.

What if i didnt see what she bought in and one of the kids got hold of it :puke: :puke: :puke:

I have made it clear to her i hate mice and have shooed her out with them but still she continues - i have just literally thron one outside, i knew she had one by her happy noises.
]Any ideas on how to stop her
No idea sorry.
last year my cat bought a mouse in, ran under the table and ate it bit by bit, crunching away - it was gross, I was in a rush on my way out and in the house alone so couldn't chase it (not sure I wanted to touch it really), when I got back in that night I said to my DH - Look under the table and see if anything is there - and there was a nose!!! :puke: Best thing was though as I was jumping around in disgust I trod in the remnants of the mouse that my cat had thrown up!
My other cat (whom we had from a kitten and was originally a house cat and therefore v pampered) was just looking at the recently acquired shelter cat in utter disgust! :lol:
my SIL's cat is always bringing in little presents for her and like u has young kids and usually doesnt even realise they have brought anything in til she looks behind the sofa :puke:

i dont know what u can really do to stop them except keeping them in and thats not fair

unfortunatley its just cats being cats
its meant to be a sign they love you so you can't go mad at a cat for that!!

its a present after all :D

though i have to say when i'm at my mum's i do run and hide when they have brought birs in and they are flying about everywhere! I guess i don't have to leave with it!

Good luck x x
No ideas..has she got a bell? I am no good - my cat cannot even catch a little spider that was crawling up the bag of litter!
Sorry hun, my cat runs away from little animals LOL

i think its just one of those things that comes with owning a cat :hug:
I too have heard that they see it as a kind of present. My first cat used to do it, come indoors making the 'happy noises'. I used to splash water on her to make her drop the dead mouse.

Apparently they think that they're really clever and very proud of their catch...little gits.

My two now are indoor cats and don't get a chance, the nearest Max gets to a mouse is his sister Pepsi's tail...he can be a pain sometimes! :wall:
We live on a farm and our cats used to bring in mice, rats, voles, rabbits, moles and even a bat once.

We don't have cats anymore...all the guts were ruining my carpet :puke:
ive had cats all my life and even though its really annoying when they do it theres nothing you can do about it :( 1 of my cats does it all the time mice bats and frogs are her favourites but we do get an occasional whole chicken or piece of cooked steak (sorry whoevers dinner she keeps stealing) :oops: the other cat just brings bones :shock: not sure what thats all about lol xxxxxxx
Kylie1007 said:
No ideas..has she got a bell? I am no good - my cat cannot even catch a little spider that was crawling up the bag of litter!

What a fantastic idea - im guna buy her a coller as soon as possible! hopefully that will stop the little bugger bringing them in and if she manages too, Il know shes in!
ive got 4 cats and i love them all, but ive got 1 who is a killing machine. Shes always bloody bringing things in. At least when she does bring em in they have a chance of being rescued, she likes to bring in live ones. If she leaves them ourside it means shes ripped them to pieces! :x

I went out onto the patio once cos there were flies round something on the floor. I thought "eww, minging, one of the cats has had a poo" but it was half a mouse with all its innards hanging out... :puke:

The other cats are always quite chuffed when she brings them in,. Theyre too lazy to go out hunting for them, the swines. You can just here all these excited noises while they run round trying to catch whatever it is. Pillocks. :rotfl:

Squirt, the Murderer

My cat is the same, I have 2 but the other one doesn't bother as much. The youngest one is always bringing things in, dead or alive. Bats, mice, birds, worms, frogs, anything. Way before I was pregnant she even brought back a dirty nappy! Try the bells, but we have 2 on cheeks and it hasn't stopped her, although its probably not as much as before
sazzylou said:
Squirt, the Murderer

...but she's so pretty :)

Here's my two:

Pepsi my little dainty girl...


Max the brute who tries to bite Pepsi's bum!

I know this sounds a bit nutty, but I have been reading a book called cat whisperer, as I have two (very fast growing) kittens. It is really helpful. It points out that when you shout at a cat it jsut gets scared of you while you are shouting. You have to speak their language so it is better to hiss at them when they do something wrong. It is really effective and works a treat on my two.

Give it a try.

eek i dont kno ours are housecats they dont go out n catch mice. maybe get her lots of toy mice with catnip in? :)
Becs said:
I know this sounds a bit nutty, but I have been reading a book called cat whisperer, as I have two (very fast growing) kittens. It is really helpful. It points out that when you shout at a cat it jsut gets scared of you while you are shouting. You have to speak their language so it is better to hiss at them when they do something wrong. It is really effective and works a treat on my two.

Give it a try.


and when you do it, post us a video of you doing it! :rotfl:

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