
Well-Known Member
May 10, 2008
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I couldnt sleep lastnight and ended up on the sofa all night with a million cushions to get me comfy. i mannaged to get a few hours but im pretty certain the reason is my bump has dropped and i feel really heavy. OH said i looked huge and uncomfy and i had mentioned to my friend in the morning that it feels alot lower, although it was already quite low to begin with... I started a post lastnight on PG forum coz i fel really different, i cant really explain it :think: Baby is engaged and has been for a few weeks so is this normal?? thanks girls :hug:
Babies can engage really early, they can also pop back out again as there is still loads of room left, have the mw been measuring you? Are you measuring bigger then ur dates or anything?? x
Yes, Shes a little smaller than the average as my DD was and is estimated about 6.5lbs. But has been pushing down really hard and has not moved out of position since last month, she has always been head down. What a good baby :D
OMG - looking at your photo, could you get much lower????!!!! I hope it's not scraping on the ground now! :rotfl: I've heard too that babies can engage and unengage. A friend of mine was engaged at 32 weeks but her son ended up being a week late! Hope you're not too uncomfy! I know what it feels like trying to sleep, my bump is still pretty high but any time I try to change positions it takes so much effort!!
Haha :rotfl: , thanks hun... this was my bump 2 weeks ago...

and this was my DDs very adorable "bump" :rotfl:

i want to take a pic but seem to have lost my camera :cry:
I am amazed how different i feel :think:
A the other have said babies can engage and un engage. My midwife said i was only 1/5 engaged today but also said that people can easily go into labour unengaged to start with so not really worth analysing things too much.

I wish my bump would drop as i keep getting my damn pills stuck!

You've probably got a little while to go yet i'd have thought?

Claire x
I have a few weeks left till term and the middy thinks i wont get to 40 weeks im having my cervix checked next appointmet so we will see :) has anyone elses bumps dropped lately? xx
I cant tell really, Ive always carried low :think:
I wish I would though, so some of this heartburn would ease off :evil:
My older sister's baby was engaged by mid-20 weeks. This was her third! They kept telling her she'd never get to term (and i was annoyed as she was supposed to be 2 weeks behind me!) I was fairly high in comparison to her and i tell you it really bugged me when people kept saying she'd go first! But i went overdue and she followed 2 weeks later. She was stupidly low in the later stages.

You may still go quite far. I never did drop, not til labour anyway.
I carried low to begin with then as i got bigger i just grew outwards :lol: it looked qute high when dressed but wasnt really now it seems to have got pointy under my belly button and really feals lower than before :think: i think i droped only about a week before my DD last time :)
ive never really noticed with mine, I was in intense pain with jess , which just came out of the blue, then had a show, then had contractions, more or less strait away.,(she was breech). With rebecca I was getting ready for bed when my waters broke and that came out of the blue too, lol both where completely unexpected.
I noticed my bump had dropped a few days ago. Over the weekend i just felt really uncomfortable, more than I have done (didnt realise that was actually possible :lol: ), and postions i usually found comfy to sit and sleep arent as much anymore. My b/friend and my mum also commented that it looked lower.

I had a midwife app today and she confirmed that baby is lower than my last visit which was just under 2 weeks ago.

"just a matter of waiting now" were her words but i dont think i'll get my hopes up. Im sure knowing my luck and because im impatient LO will keep me waiting as long as possible. :lol:
jolene said:
I noticed my bump had dropped a few days ago. Over the weekend i just felt really uncomfortable, more than I have done (didnt realise that was actually possible :lol: ), and postions i usually found comfy to sit and sleep arent as much anymore. My b/friend and my mum also commented that it looked lower.

I had a midwife app today and she confirmed that baby is lower than my last visit which was just under 2 weeks ago.

"just a matter of waiting now" were her words but i dont think i'll get my hopes up. Im sure knowing my luck and because im impatient LO will keep me waiting as long as possible. :lol:

:lol: im being told the same! OH step mum keeps asking and thinks im goin to go early its getting to the really exiting stage now .. yay for 34weeks!!! (almost) :D
I had that a little yesterday my legs throb too :( every time bubs moved shes hurt my left hip and id have to sit down or stand up depending what i was doing ha! this morning though, i woke up with a really itchy right hand and there all swollen :( do you think i should let the middy know? its my nuckles that are really itchy!!!! grr..

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