Numb Legs and Feet :(


Active Member
Jan 28, 2009
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Im slightly worried, im 16 weeks pregnant and for the last few weeks ive bin getting pins and needles in my legs and feet for no reason at all, ill just be laying there and all of a sudden i can barely move.
Also i get really numb and achy all along my legs and in my groin.
I said to my mum bout it n she said it was normal, but is anyone else expierencing this or is it just me.
Its slightly worrying
I've had some wierd leg pains too, like cramp. It's quite painful and sometimes if i lie down i get stuck like a woodlouse on its back.
No idea what causes it though :think:
I have noticed ive been getting pin and needles more recently, so hopefully hun its normal.
OK I have consulted the bible and it says that pins and needles in hands and feet are normal and nowt to worry about, just adjust the position of you feet. My left leg goes numb if I sleep on my left side but being as it wears off quickly Im not too bothered about it.

Try elevating your legs and feet when lying down - see if that helps. :hug:
its the growing baby pinchin goyur nerve endings hun i get it in my hips when i lie on my side and also my hands get numb a lot completely normal x
awww thanks :) im soo glad its normal :P
next time it happens ill just hold my feet in the air and hope for the best :)


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