My bump is not growing ???


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2010
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Just read my maternity papers, and my bump hasnt grown alot the last few chceck ups I have been to and just seen Im 1 cm less than last week, am i not supposed ot get bigger ? :(
Hm your bump should grow 1 cm per week ish... But I guess all these measurements are not that accurate. I'm sure if your mw was worried she would have said something xx
hi when they measure bump by coincidence the how many centimeters you are is meant to equate how far gone you are are so for example someone thats 30 weeks should meausre arround 30 cm / give or take a coupl a couple centimetimeters either side. Have you got a growth chart she marks each time she sees you? Trust me as says if they were concerned they would have sent for extra scans etc especially this far gone in pregancy. I have had to have 2 growth scans in the last couple of weeks and got another in a week or so as im measure a few weeks behind. xxx
yes u are right, surely the doctor wouldnt said its all fine:) havent been eating alot last week aswell so must be that x
yes u are right, surely the doctor wouldnt said its all fine:) havent been eating alot last week aswell so must be that x

and as we all know alittle too much now, if you eat a certain thing you can bloat, or if you need the loo. and vice versa sometimes your bump can appear smaller some days purely down to babys position. Last week i went to my moms and she said wheres you bump have you had the baby and not told me, then the next day bump was big :) thats why I hate how MW's use tape measure because of how much our tummys fluctuate in size anyway xxx
well last week i was mesured should have been 33cmbut measured 31cm , 1 less than the week before, they sentme for a scan and i measured 34wks 2 days not 31 wks.

using the tape measure isnt that accurate apparently especially if u dont get measured by same person each time x
I agree with what the other have said re accuracy of a tape measure, but my midwife also said it can appear that the bump stops growing / shrinks towards the end of pregnancy but that is purely due to the baby sinking back into the pelvis, so there is less baby sticking out to make a bump if that makes sense :p

If she wasn't worried then I wouldn't be either

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