My bump has dropped!!!

:rofl: I did try and reach up myself the other day when I thought I mightve been having contractions, I remember Evie saying she could tell when she was dilating. Couldnt even reach the damned thing! :wall: so prob wont be getting a sweep if thats the case.

My friend was amazed when I told her that literally I had been offered no information about birthing from the midwife. She assumed that when she got pregnant she would just be supported and told everything she needed to know. She now informs me that shes going to be ringing me every 5 mins! :rofl:
:yay: sounds like baby's gettin ready! I'm so shocked by the levels of care you guys haven't had! One of my mws was lovely, she came out after I had k :) the other one was an old witch an couldn't even remember mu name when I was pregnant with e, despite having been there throughout my pregnancy with k and actually being with me for hours when I was in labour!!
They really should have gone through your birth plan with you - mine was done at 36 weeks! What would have happened if bubs had come at 37 weeks!
Any news yet Meio - really thought you would have been on labour watch by now?
Haha no news. Think were waiting till wednesday. Much more uncomfortable this evening though. Im going to ring the midwife tomorrow and demand she comes round for a snoop around the foof. Im so sure a quick poke down there will get things going lol.
My MW has never mentioned my birth plan either - frankly I don't think she gives a sh*t. Makes you wonder why they go into such a career really!

Glad your bump has dropped Tiny!! Mine dropped then went back up as the little sod pulled 2/5 of his/her head out of my pelvis last week! Think he/she has dropped again today though :D
I love that all these little babies are dropping...we'll be in for another baby rush this week I reckon!
^^^ Oh I DO hope so :D

*EDIT* You've gotta go first though Melio! ;)
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Im trying I swear. Ill be ringing the midwife tomorrow demanding a sweep. If she says no...the tears are being deployed. You cant say no to a crying woman 12 days overdue :D
^^^ I agree - put on the waterworks and beg!
:yay: yay for droppage!!

I tried a self sweep once, i could reach it but couldn't reach well enough. OH used to have a good 'rummage' tho :blush: he used to sweep me within an inch of my life!! xx
:yay: yay for droppage!!

I tried a self sweep once, i could reach it but couldn't reach well enough. OH used to have a good 'rummage' tho :blush: he used to sweep me within an inch of my life!! xx

OH'd think i'd lost it if I asked him to give me a sweep! :looped:
I just get OH to gimme some :bd: action, Im sure it must be doing something to my cervix!! more fun than a sweep anyway!

good plan melio, hope the waterworks have the right effect today. Dont think its an unreasonable request considering your due date to be honest!
How you feeling today then tiny?

I shall be looking forward to your report from the midwife about how low baby is. Im crossing my fingers for 2/5ths for you :D x
Hope babys engaged for you :) my bumps dropped twice now and last week he was 2/5ths so yours should be at least that or more! Good luck at midwife! x
just engaged. 1/5. Better than nothing though. My bump looked higher this morning, am I popping him out overnight?! I do lean on my bump when I sleep.... :confused:
I lay on my side and half on my bump IYKWIM but my babys engaged so im pretty sure you cant unengage him like that. I also sleep on my left side and hes still back to back so i dont think how you lay will affect him engaging or not. x
Sounds ad though ur appt was as successful as mine :(
Ours was 2/5 and is now 4/5 so it's possible for them to come out again. I'm putting it down to far too much time spent lying in front of the TV instead of bouncing on my ball... *slaps wrist* Gonna get bouncing religiously for the next week!

I never have the energy for any action with the OH - alway seems so much of an effort when I think about it so don't bother! Haha!
woo hoo so happy for yooouu! will be no time for ickle one to arrive! xx
how can you tell if you have dropped?

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