my brain is turning to mush!


Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2009
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Is it normal to go a bit 'dippy' in early pregnancy? I'm so disorganised, and twice yesterday I went shopping without my purse. I keep losing things, forgetting what I was about to say, and going off to do things only to forget halfway there what I was going to do! Anyone else doing anything strange?
I keep dropping things :lol: my mush brain never really improved between pregnancies... so am expecting mine to get even worse :)
Baby brain and dropsies! I've have them almost permenantly for 2 years!
i microwaved a jacket potato today and took it out with a tea towel to cut it open so it could cook better then totally forgot the plate was scorching hot and tried to pick it up with bare hands :oops:
i felt rather silly afterwards because i knew it would be burning hot hahah!
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:dance:I have to write it down or forget it! Wonder into one room to do something and do something else - I have has this dippyness since my first pregnancy, and it seems to get worse with each one and never goes completely!!!! Ah well at least it includes not taking things too seriously, or i might be worried:dance:
So far twice I have locked my purse and house keys in the house!
My partner isn't surprised by anything I do anymore
Although he was shocked to find my serial bowl in the bathroom sink yesterday morning: D
On the up hand he did wash it for me

hahah awww, i did the whole yoghurt in the sink spoon in the bin today!
In early pregnancy?! It doesn't get any better for the rest of it I'm afraid :lol: ...and I'm not sure it does after you give birth either!
Mine never went away, I now need a list to remind me to remember the list
oh dear, we're all doomed lol
Im with all of you, my brains gone to mush....

Had the midwife appointment the other day and was convinced of the time until I got there almost an hour late. Even this morning I was talking and twice I forgot what I was saying half way through...I cant remember anything anymore!!!
I'm not pregnant, never had kids...and have mush-brain. Husband is fearful reading this and said "But how could you POSSIBLY get any worse!? :rofl:

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