my body isn't working!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2011
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Hey girls!
I just need a bit of a rant...I am feeling really rubbish today and struggling to find that positive attitude I had a few days ago :(
I am on CD 53 today after withdrawal bleed and nothing except spotting. Just starting to think there might be something wrong.
I know its fairly common to have irregular cycles after b/c but most people i speak to at least got a period in the first couple of months. Anyone got any stories of people having long cycles and everything being ok?!
Hope you're all doing ok, and sorry to moan!
I had a 50 day cycle (after having a "normal" cycle after withdrawl bleed) and was convinced that I had PCOS or was infertile etc but AF finally arrived and then I fell pregnant next cycle.

The stress of symptom spotting, BFNs and wishing af would arrive can delay your period. I started eating a bit better and doing regular exercise and doing my best not to obsess over missing witch and it all worked out for me.
Hope this helps put your mind at rest and hope your body gets going for you very soon :)
My first month was about 40 days and then settled down to about 30 to 32. I think it's perfectly normal to take a few months so I wouldn't worry x
Mine took two years to settle down. First period was at about 70 days then it varied between 60 & 130 before suddenly dropping to about 35-40 days and just staying there.
Hi blondy, haven't been able to get on here for a few days but am right there with you hun - counted the exact days last night and am at 52 days since withdrawal bleed and not a single sign of anything since...trying not to worry but at the same time can't help it!!

Am sure our bodies will right themselves, it's just taking longer than we would like but fx our cycles sort themselves out soon....come on AF show yourself!! hehe xx
Sorry you're feeling low blondy :(

I think it's absolutely normal not to have regular cycles after coming off the pill, especially if you've been on it a while. Did you have regular cycles before being on the pill?

I'm sure AF will come soon - have you tried exercising? Try to chill and just focus on getting your body in the best possible shape for ttc - relax and eat lots of yummy nutritious food!

Thanks girls. Was just having a really rubbish day but i've picked myself up and trying to chill out like you say!
The bad thing is i can't really remember what my cycles were like before the pill...I went on it because they were heavy I know that much but I guess i would have remembered if they were really irregular.
I hope the ugly witch comes soon...:(
Baby dust girls xxx
Hi Blondy, i thought that, i came off the injection in feb 2011 and had no period or show until early august i spotted for 7 days and then nothing for 7 days and then i bled for 7 days which i believe was my af and have had nothing for the past 7 days but no signs of ov on opk test!! except a faint 2nd line which i have had for the past 7 days and it's doing my head in...
I'm thinking i may need to go get checked out at the doctors but i don't want to look stoopid :( x
Try not to worry, I know it's hard but I had to wait 70 days for my first proper af after withdrawal bleed. I went through the same thoughts that something might be wrong but the hormones from the pill tell our bodies to do something completely different from what it's supposed to and it just takes a while to get back on track. Mine still aren't regular after 9 months but the longest I've had to wait since is 46 days. It's very frustrating and I know what you're going through. I so badly want a baby and feel like I'm never going to get there! Try to keep positive Hun, af will show soon xx

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