fed up with body


Active Member
Jun 25, 2007
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hi all

bit of a confused winge really. i feel like my body can't sort itself out and is giving me so many mixed signals :? . i've been off the pill for 4 months am struggling with getting into a regaulr cycle. How long did it take everyone elses cycles to settle down when you came off the pill.

to top it all off around each AF i get really strong pg symtoms and on this af i was only on for what felt like 1/2 day with very faint bleeding. Could this be IB or am I getting my hopes up :( . Did a HPT five days after but a BFN.

any thoughts?

when i came off the pill i didnt really count my cycle days properly until last month and it was 32 days, i have just ovulated so figured out i must be a 32 day cycle this month as AF comes 14 days after ovulation(hope this is making sense lol)

i think everyone is different when adjusting to coming off the pill, some people may take up to 6 months or longer to have a regular cycle again

If your last AF was only half a day though i can understand why you think it is IB, i hope it was and you get your BFP soon :hug:
I came off the pill in April expecting to have a couple of months where things didn't work like clockwork and I was right- My first period post pill was after exactly 4 weeks, my second was almost 5 weeks and my third never showed up but I did a HPT which was negative 6 weeks after my last period. I found out I was pg two about 3 weeks later when af still hadn't arrived.

If you are TTC at the moment, try not to think about when you are ovulating, just do the deed every couple of days and that way you *might* be able to let nature take its course without obsessing about dates and times like I did, which was no fun at all. :x

It is very common for women to take as long as 6 months to get back to a regular cycle after being on the pill. I know this has been the case with a friend of mine, her cycles grew in length by 1 week each month for the first 4 months and then started to settle again.

Good luck xxx

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