my birth story!


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2006
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hi everyone.....

My little boy Omar was born on Friday 14th September weighing 3.5 kilos (sorry, not sure in pounds!) He arrived ten days early which was very thoughtful of him!

I went to bed on the Thursday night as usual, didnt notice anything different other than a little bit of lower back pain but nothing strange there. I woke up at 4.30 am feeling a bit funny, and suddenly felt a pop in my belly, which was my waters breaking! I got up in a bit of a panic, and leaked absolutely all over the place! i had no idea there was so much liquid in there!!!! I wasnt in any pain or anything yet. I woke up my OH which took a while as i dont think he believed me! I decided to have a shower and clean myself up a bit, and by the time i got out of the shower i could feel the contractions starting, felt like strong period cramps. I phoned the hospital, who told me to take my time and to come in in a few hours. when i hung up i started timing the contractions and realised that they were five mins apart. Our hospital is about an hour away and i was feeling a bit anxious, so i decided we should head out regardless of what the hospital told us! The drive was awful, i was leaking water everywhere and having some quite strong contractions! i was so surprised at how fast they came on... i was expecting it to be a slow process.... but i hadnt even had time to pack my bag properly!
Anyway, by the time we got there the midwife checked me out and i was five cms , so sent straight to labour room! woo hoo!!! i was still feeling okay at this point, and managed to continue walking around and moving which made the pain much easier to deal with! By 8 am i was 10 cm and ready to go! i couldnt believe how fast it was going! the midwife was happy with my progress and thought i would have the baby within the hour.... then things started to slow down.
Not sure exactly what happened, but my contractoins slowed down a bit, and i was in a lot of pain. I didnt like the gas and air cause i felt it took my oxygen away and interrupted my breathing, so i didnt use it. I tried pushing for two hours. i tried everyposition, on my feet, on my knees, lying down, the lot! i just couldnt get baby to budge! they could feel his head, but i just wasnt able to get him further down! i was in agony now, so they gave me a shot of pethadine. didnt really do anything to be honest.
by twelve i had had enough! couldnt seem to push anymore. i had a drip put on to get the contractions going stronger and they called in the doctor.... from then on i was totally out of it. just concentrated on squeezing my hubbies hand everytime i had a contraction! My baby boy eventually came out at 12.35, by ventouse delivery. i had to have an episiotomy, and have a ton of stiches, but he is beautiful and worth all of the pain!
So there it is, a story that started off fast and ended not so nicely, but we got there in the end!

its totally worth it ladies, good luck to everyone that is expecting and congratulations to those that just had their babies also!

flower x
What a great story!

It's lovely to hear you sounding so positive :D

Congratulations and welcome little Omar :cheer:

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