well i think you all roughly know what happened!
last friday night i was on the heart monitor 2 an madis heartbeat dropped twice and the midwifes and docs were very worried also my bp was up
sat morning around 6am they put me back on the monior and the same thing happened and my bp was even higher. so by 8am the doc was there and they thought my bp would drop but all of a sudden but 8.15 i was told i was going to be having my baby girl i had to get the midwife to ring rich i was in so much shock
by 9 i had been moved to the labour ward were i had a scan to see if she was breech (which she was) so they decied on a c section. im glad rich was with me i was so scared
i was taken do to the room where they done the c section then i had my epidural (didnt hurt) and then it was all go from there! but 12.37 they made the first cut and.............
my beautiful baby girl madison star was born at 12.40!
at first she was not crying cause she had the cord wrapped wround her so much (we were told natural birth could of killed her ) but then a few seconds later i heard her cry! i burst into tears even rich was crying it was such a lovely moment
i saw madi quickly but she had to be taken to scbu then i didnt see her untill the next day at 4pm )
rich was being relly nosey in the thertre but i think he nealy passed out when he saw my insides
well there you go! sorry its so long
last friday night i was on the heart monitor 2 an madis heartbeat dropped twice and the midwifes and docs were very worried also my bp was up
sat morning around 6am they put me back on the monior and the same thing happened and my bp was even higher. so by 8am the doc was there and they thought my bp would drop but all of a sudden but 8.15 i was told i was going to be having my baby girl i had to get the midwife to ring rich i was in so much shock
by 9 i had been moved to the labour ward were i had a scan to see if she was breech (which she was) so they decied on a c section. im glad rich was with me i was so scared
i was taken do to the room where they done the c section then i had my epidural (didnt hurt) and then it was all go from there! but 12.37 they made the first cut and.............
my beautiful baby girl madison star was born at 12.40!
at first she was not crying cause she had the cord wrapped wround her so much (we were told natural birth could of killed her ) but then a few seconds later i heard her cry! i burst into tears even rich was crying it was such a lovely moment
i saw madi quickly but she had to be taken to scbu then i didnt see her untill the next day at 4pm )
rich was being relly nosey in the thertre but i think he nealy passed out when he saw my insides
well there you go! sorry its so long