my bad (ill) few days :o( (quite long, sorry!)


Well-Known Member
Dec 25, 2006
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Just thought I'd write on here..

Tuesday night I got bumped when I was out socialising at the pub I work at, and since I'm rhesus negative I had to go have an emergency anti D at my hospital the next day. Went there and firstly had blood tests and then had to go back in the evening for the injection (which wasnt as bad as I thought to be fair!).

In case anyone else has this happen, I'll tell you about Thursday til now (Easter Sunday)...

Thursday morning I went to the dentist and when I got back off the chair, I felt sorta faint and things just didn't feel right. Got on the train to work feeling ok for sitting down, but when I got up and walked I was in pain, thought this was ok and that I probably just needed something to eat so walked through town and picked up some fruit for lunch. By the time I got to work I was feeling really rough and couldn't even bend to pick up my lunch off the table in the restroom. So I gave up on lunch, and went back into the office but couldn't focus on the screen and sitting on my office chair was agony. Thinking I had had some sort of reaction to the anti D injection, I told the girls I needed to go to hospital straight away but because by then I could hardly walk they called me an ambulance. So I went to a hospital in Birmingham that would accept me in their maternity unit and I was told I was either having problems with appendix, or very early contractions. I was so scared at the thought I would be having a very premature baby...
A couple of hours later and still in complete agony, I was told I probably had a kidney infection. Since my midwife or hospital hadn't yet taken a urine sample off me, it had probably been going on for quite a while as now had got quite bad and I had a lot of infection there :( Got sent home with antibiotics and painkillers and though starving by then I felt better and thought that would be the end of it!

Friday I couldn't hold down my food or tablets, and was in the same amount of pain and sickness that I was before I got the ambulance on Thursday. Went to A+E at my birth hospital and got admitted for the night, since I couldnt hold anything down they were worried that little one hadn't been getting the right nutrients. Was so strange, I hardly ever end up in hospital as I'm usually really healthy, and the thought that I had a kidney infection was so worrying as it sounded serious. I was put on a drip and given antibiotics through my blood. Was so sad when Nat went home and I had to sleep on my own in hospital, was so scared for me and little one, and was in so much pain.

Saturday morning I was allowed out after a repeated blood test. Although there were signs of infection in my urine sample, along with blood apparently, there was nothing showing in my blood... so in the end they didn't actully figure out what was wrong. I got sent home on the same tablets that I was already given from Birmingham hospital.

So now I'm really worried - although I have been ok since I left hospital I really don't know what to do or what was wrong. If theres blood in my urine surely thats not good. I don't want to go back to hospital as I haven't been sick since Friday but am still in a lot of pain. I'm just really worried that there is something really wrong and they haven't figured out what it is so it could just be getting worse. Also worried about little one as I hope his blood supply is ok coming from me being on tablets and having an infection. I suppose only the next few days will tell, but :? I wish I knew what was up, and why, and how to stop it happening again..

Sorry for the really long post, just needed to vent really.

Michelle x
Sorry to hear you are not well. Hope its nothing serious and it goes soon. Just relax and keep on at hospital if you make no progress. have a big hug :hug: :hug:
Oh God, sounds like you've had a terrible time of it :(

If you're worried and in pain you should see someone about it, even if it's only to calm your nerves and make sure everything is functioning how it should.

I hope things get much better for you :hug: :hug: :hug:
So sorry to hear that youve had such a hard time. hope you feel better soon and that they figure out exactly what was wrong. x
sorry to hear you have not been well.... hope you are feeling better! :hug:
Hi Michelle,

sorry to read you have been so unwell. :( I really feel for you having to spend the night in hospital. That must have been really worrying, and lonely, without your OH.

It does sound like you could have had a mild kidney or urine infection. Both these could cause blood in the urine but aren't necessarily serious. Did the hospital give you anything for the infection? Did they tell you go to back to your GP or MW this week for a check up? If you are still feeling low and have any pains please do see someone to get checked out. A urine/kidney infection can react well to anti-biotics and you might need a short course.

I was in hospital following a big bleed at 21 weeks. I was also given no real explanation about what caused it. Thankfully, it stopped, LO was still kicking loads, and the worry has gradually gone. I hope it'll be the same for you. :hug:

Take it easy. Maybe you should have a few days off work this week to recover. Sounds like you may be overdoing things.

:hug: :hug:

sounds horrible..The anit bitoics usually take a couple of days to work and if it is a kidney infection pain will continue for a while.

I was on a drip in hosp at around the same stage as you and was told that the shirt term de hydration wouldn't harm the baby .

I imagine not getting any real answers doesn't help

get plenty of rest and don't be afraid to make a nuisance of yourself if needs be
sorry you have had had such a bad time. Take care of yourself :hug:

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