My baby is not his usual happy self....


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2010
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I don't know what's wrong with him! I'm guessing colic or reflux but it really is just a guess! The last few days he's been quite grumpy - normally he only ever cries when he's hungry and in the evenings from 6pm till about 9pm when he gets a little bit colicky.

But now from about 11am till around 9pm he's crying alot and I don't know why. I can't hardly put him down, he doesn't really sleep for more than an hour at a time in the day and even then he cries out alot, he's being sick loads after every feed and is crying mid feed and after feed which he never used to do. He writhes about in what I assume is pain but I burp him loads - which is when he's sick. He writhes about in my arms, arching his back and pulling and scratching himself. From about 9pm he settles into a good sleep, then sleeps through the night from around midnight till 6 or 7am. He wakes up really happy and smily but just goes downhill as the morning goes on.

He's had colief, comfort milk and infacol in the past -none of which have seemed to make much difference.

I hate to see him so unhappy, he's lovely first thing in the morning, full of smiles and laughs - I hate seeing him so uncomfortable and not knowing what to do for him!

sounds like reflux ring gp and ask for infant gaviscon and see if it works! hope hes ok hun xxx
Aw sorry he's not 100%. It does sound like reflux, can't offer any advice other than to speak to your GP or HV hun as I think they can prescribe infant gaviscon is reflux is really bad, but I'm not sure xx
yeah they will, they provided me 3 days worth to try madison and then if it was successful i just had to ring for repeat prescription :) hope it works for u xx

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