My Baby is here and tips for natural birth


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2008
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My baby arrived safely yesterday just before midday.

I'll post a separate birth story later, but if there are any ladies who are considering having a natural birth here are my tips:

1) prepare! practice breathing methods when walking, cooking etc, read literature around natural birth (I read about hypnobirthing), listen to hypnotherapy and meditative CDs (which you can replay during labour), repeat positive affirmations and repeat them in labour (I was going to get my OH to read them for me but I ended up going through them in my mind) - preparing helped me to stay calm and relaxed until about 2 - 3 hours before the baby was born - I cannot really say that I didn't feel pain, but I did manage to 'block it' out for hours, I only started moaning and 'complaining about the pain' when it was time to go to hospital

2) think that you want to have a natural birth but keep your options open (by usual standards my labour didn't take that long but would it have been I may have struggled - my midwife did say that my faster labour was most possibly down to be remaining so calm and relaxed though). I never told anyone that I was aiming for a natural birth as I didn't want to set up high expectations!

3) use water if you can - I used the shower at home and a birthing pool in hospital - water was a fantastic relief (to be honest I doubt I could have made it without painkillers should I not used water!) - also spaying cold water on my face felt fab!

4) lower back massage (particularly following the tail bone) worked wonders

5) write it in your birth plan that you don't want anyone to offer you pain relief but that you'll ask when appropriate! they offered me a mouth piece to breath in the ambulance (I nearly ended up having an unintentional home birth) to help me 'sit down' and I took it without thinking. After a few gasps I realised that it was gas and air (and felt sick, I had just vomitted at home) and discontinued to use it (and refused to sit down)

6) when the pains get really strong think that 'I'll try another ten minutes' - your next contraction may be that little less intense which helps you to continue

7) believe you can do it

I count myself lucky as my labour was fairly hassle free and by no means natural birth is possible in every situation, nor should it be expected. In no doubt, if I am lucky enough to have another child my birth experience may be completely different, but I just wanted to let you know that in the right circumstances natural birth can be possible

Our princess (name to be decided) is absolutely gorgeous and I am enjoying motherhood - tomorrow is the day of 'baby blues' which I'll try to beat by going shopping!
aww well done hun, and your tips are fantastic :hug:

congrats on your little girl, looking forward to pics and a birth story :cheer:
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: congrats hun! You do have some great tips there.
Can't wait to read your birth story and see pics of your LO :D
Congratulations on the birth of your baby! :cheer:

Some brilliant information you have provided and I will definitely be aiming to use some of your tips... I can only have gas and air anyway so will definitely make use of the advice.
Congratulations hun :dance: :dance:
looking forward to piccies and birth story
and thanks for the tips :D
sarah :hug:
Congratulations hun!!! :hug: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
i look forward to your birth story.
Theres lots of babies making their entrances into the world at the moment, there must be plenty of fairy labour dust being sprinkled around so come on ladies keep popping we love reading your stories and seeing pics of gorgeous little/biff bundles of joy!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
sarah.x x x
Thank you for posting such helpful advice. I am glad you had such a positive experience!

Congratulations on the birth of your new baby!! :hug: :hug:
BabyMagic said:
5) write it in your birth plan that you don't want anyone to offer you pain relief but that you'll ask when appropriate! they offered me a mouth piece to breath in the ambulance (I nearly ended up having an unintentional home birth) to help me 'sit down' and I took it without thinking. After a few gasps I realised that it was gas and air (and felt sick, I had just vomitted at home) and discontinued to use it (and refused to sit down)


I just want to say as well that this is a fantastic piece of advice. While my birth experience wasn't exactly pain relief free I think it's so important that they are clear about what you want. Obviously it's right to keep your options open but I did feel like I was under pressure to take pain relief (diamorphine) that I didn't want and was constantly asked if I wanted it. I had it written in my birth plan I didn't want it (because of its effect on the baby and I), I explained to them when asked in early labour and repeated it ALL the time even after my epidural failed. OH also stepped in to say I didn't want it.

Definitely be open minded but make sure you put folk in their place about what you want and don't want before and during the birth!
Great tips!!

I had never even considered a Natural birth and it's what I ended up with.
It wasn't as bad as I had imagined

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