My 2WW...

Chaz not long now until testing , i'm really optimistic for you! x x x
Hey Chaz, I really hope this is your month I am keeping everything crossed for you :pray:

Not wanting to put a downer on you, but as far as hot flushes go I have had mine for a whole cycle now and still get them now and its driving me nuts!! I hope yours ease off soon as I know how horrible they are.

Really hope your OH pops the question to you that would be so exciting :wed:
I have that burning AF type sensation in my tummy, not sure if its a good thing or AF preparing for an early visit! It is unusual for me, but so is Clomid really.....

I :pray: its a good thing xxx
Good luck Chaz :) I'm looking forward to Wednesday when you'll be able to start testing xx

Im still tired really early on in the evening and have no get up and go, but this is quite normal for me actually.

Had another rather vivid dream, although its hard to describe it because it was f***ed up!

My tummy still feels weird, feels like very mild AF cramps/ twinges, and also similar to cramps/ aches you get when your really need a number 2! Still feel like im getting a twinge in the same place as i was on friday so im 50/50.

My OH's best friend has just had his 1st baby girl, im made up for them i really am, but also really jealous as she wasnt planned, she was a contraception error....humph!

I'm sorry, i ventured over into 'am i pregnant' and went crazy! :)

11DPO today, nothing to report. Had tummy aches the last few days, hard to describe it. AF was 4 days earlyast time so she's behaving this month! Ill be doing a test tomorrow morning as im away for the night partying in Blackpool so i wanna know if i can drink or not. Did a cheapie yesterday and zilch!

Keep getting waves of nausea tho....not sure if thats because im thinking about it too much! xx
Chaz lol getting carried away in am i pregnant! , well i hope this nausea is the real thing for you that would just be A-mazing x x
Hi Chaz, fingers are crossed for you :). I think weirdly the clomid tablets are kicking in full whack for me - banging headache and hot flushes :( boo! better be worth it........... keep us posted!!!!! xxxxxx
Tested this morning, BFN.

So im off to Blackpool to get drunk and have some fun xxx
Sorry about the BFN Chaz - have a nice time in Blackpool though :hug:
:( i have propa AF burny feeling in my tummy today. CM still white tho.

Had a good feeling about this month, ill be heartbroken if AF arrives xxxxx

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