My 2WW...

Girls.....ive still got that 'wet' feeling with white CM, slight ache on low left ovary side and hot flushes again :) xxx
Louise! You make me laugh I just love your outlook on life :)

....I have been waiting for a proposal from OH for ages, so I tried the 'talk' and he agreed to everything! Needless to say Im still waiting!!

I think that sometimes men tell us what we want to hear but then go and do just what they want!
I'd just persist Naomi :)

Point out rings and let him know how you both could afford the one you like lol

Tell him how you imagine a proposal and where you'd like to get married etc.

I think they can worry they'll get it wrong.

My hubby was a single 30 year old when i met him so if i can get him down the isle without a shotgun being required, anyone can ;)

Good luck chaz, i hope your symptoms mean something for you :dust:
Haha to a shotgun being required! I met my DH at the right time, all his friends were getting hitched so when our time came he didn't need much pushing, but one of my friends takes her poor oh ring viewing every weekend without any hint of a proposal! Sounds like you don't need to hint chaz!! Xxx
He brings up the i get excited and talk about it, and he tells me 'if you keep talking about it i wont do it' pffffft.

When im pregnant he WILL do it or ill sit on him! Ha ha xx

:shock: ive just had a twingy feeling again but near my right likey!
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Hi Chaz, I'm hoping and praying it's gonna be your month, all the signs seem good! I don't know much about clomid either other than what you girlies say. Seems like you're doing everything you possibly can, and it's great you're feeling happy and not stressed cos I'm sure that plays a big part in successful conception.

On the subject of clomid is it something that the nhs would prescribe? I've been to the gyno at the acs and it wasn't mentioned at all. I'm on the waiting list for IUI (next Aug) before that it's the fallopian tube test in January. Other than that I'm on my own and wondering if clomid would help me? Sorry to get off subject Chaz, just been wondering lately!

Oh and that is exciting that OH is taking about weddings! You might have 2 things to celebrate soon!! x
Are you stealing my thread? :eh: ha ha!

:hug: only messing!

Yes i got Clomid on NHS prescription after being referred to an assisted conception unit. The Dr had the hint i havent been ovulating properly as my periods were irregular and we havent even had a pregnancy scare in 21 months. I had an internal scan on my 2nd Clomid cycle and they diagnosed me with PCOS which has been causing my problems, so they are now working to induce ovulation and i think i have successfully ovulated this month :)

If we arent pegnant by xmas they wanna do a lap and dye with me and then move onto 'more successfull' treatment whatever that may be xx
Thanks chick, it sounds like we're very similar, except I don't have PCOS, but I do have irregular periods and have been trying for same amount of time. Suppose it will just take time. My clock is ticking though, I'm about to turn 32 (how did that happen?! I was 28 like a second ago!!). FX for us both xxx

On the subject of proposals, I may have the record here ladies, it took my man 8 and a half years to pop the question!!! Like yours Chaz he would say 'the more you bring it up the less likely I am to do it cos you'll think it was your idea!' Used to drive me mad! Lol! Long before I was TTC I was WFP (waiting for proposal!). It was worth the wait though and it was my longing to try for babies that prompted him cos I was clear- no wedding no baby! hehe
<----- look what i found! LOVE IT!! xx
can't see anything Chaz! IS IT A RING???!!
HA HA i wish! It as supposed to be a dancing icon. My fave at the min is :eh: xx
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that's a good one, makes me think of 'whatcha talkin about willis?' lol x
I will be following this thread chaz, been told today that I can start clomid on my next cycle, I am so excited after nearly 4 years ttc. All of your twinges sound good fingers crossed for you. My knowledge is limited on clomid but I am hoping to pick up as much info as possible before I start next month, so I shall be looking to you as the leader! Lol good luck and keep us posted xxxx
5DPO-ish was waiting for bus and had a hot flush, then a twinge in my low abdo.

I do hope they mean something, as im not imagining them! When i was in the 1st week of my 2ww last cycle i was in Corfu, i wasnt overly hotter at any point and defo didnt have any twinges. Ive been drinking a lot of cranberry juice too this week, is that a good thing? xxxx
Make that 3 twinges in the same place in 40 mins!!! xx
Cranberry is supposed to be good for cleansing. They say to drink it if you have a urine infection :)

I don't know if it impacts fertility but i can't imagine it having a negative impact.

I hope it's all good Chaz, but don't be going crazy optimistic on me ;)
6DPO-ish. Yesterday the twinges continued in the same place, and felt a bubble in my low abdo ....but it could have been wind :eh:

Went to bed last night feeling like poo, feeling like i was getting a sore throat and could feel it in my ears, no energy :( . Don't feel much brighter this morning and im on my way to work :( which im fed up of!!

On a brighter note.....i'll be testing Friday 14th if AF hasnt already appeared xxxx
hey hun im getting twinges and that trumpy feeling to lol
best of luck for friday im keeping a close eye on you xxxx
7DPO-ish i'd say. I have a ever so slight AF type burning feeling in my low tummy. CM seems to be normal.

I do appear to be having quite vivid and active dreams tho, i've dreamt my manage visited my shop and it was dusty and dirty and he was sacking me....woke up near to tears till i realised it wasnt actually my shop in the dream! Dreamt i had a fist fight with my OH sister whilst trying to look for a bed sit :eh:, dreamt i was being hased around a multistorey carpark too! Usually i cant remember my dreams but these are clear as day!

I also seem to have lost my sex drive :( feel like i cant be arsed with it. Not sure if thats because we were at it like rabbits over OV and now its gone it doesnt feel so important :( and im sleepy earlier than previous weeks.

Hot flushes have eased off too.

I feel really positive about this month, but i also feel like i 'know' AF is going to turn up at the weekend because thats what im used to, or she could turn up 4 days early like last cycle :( xxxx

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